Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Stewartstown, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Pigot's Trade Directory, 1824

Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by Teena

A small market, post and fair town in the county of Tyrone, 80 north by west of Dublin, six north of Dungannon, 11 north of Charlemount, 16 north by west of Armagh, 22 east of Omagh and 32 west by south of Belfast. In the center of the town is the market house over which the petty sessions are held once a fortnight by the magistrates of the division. Here is also a day school with a salary of 121 a year to the master allowed by the society for the suppression of vice and a small sum paid quarterly by the parents of the children. A Sunday school is also held in the same room, which, although the town is but small, is attended by upwards of 300 children, many of whom are from the surrounding neighbourhood. A dispensary has been lately established here under the superindendance of William B. Whittle, surgeon. The places of worship are a Protestant church, a Presbyterian and a Seceding meeting house and a Catholic chapel. About two miles from the town is Stewart Hall, the residence of Earl Castle Stewart. James Caulfield, esq. of Muff near Cookstown is proprietor of the place. The market is held on Wednesday and there are fairs on the Wednesday after the 12th of March, May 1st, November 1st and September 10th.

Post Office- Post master Mr. Joseph Dudgeon. The Dublin mail is despatched at ten minutes before two in the afternoon, and arrives at twenty minutes before twelve in the morning. A by-post to Cookstown at a quarter before twelve in the morning and another to Dungannon with the Dublin mail. Letters to England by the Dublin mail, for Scotland by Donaghadee.


Nobility, Gentry & Clergy

Alton Rev. Robert Ankettle Rev. John Clonoe
Ankettle Lieutenant Roger C. H.P. Ankettle Lodge
Bell Andrew T. esq. Bellmount
Buck Rev. Dr. John Ballymully
Burk Rev. Henry Stewart-Hall
Castle-Stewart Right Honbl. the Eart of Stewart- Hall
Gahan Rev. Francis
Gore Rev. Francis L. Rector, Donaghenry
Hall Rev. Dr. Francis Arboa
Hinks Rev. Edwd. Artrea
Little Samuel esq.
M'Curdy Rev. John Drumkirk
Smith Rev. Wm. Ballyclog
Stewart Rev. Edward M.
Willcocks Geo. esq. Mullanteau-House


Merchants, Tradesmen & Co.

Professional Gentlemen

Allen James surgeon
Boyd Wm. surgeon R.N.
Little John attorney
M'Reynolds Anthony attorney Gorteray
Mason Henry surgeon
White Thos. surgeon
White Wm. B. surgeon to the dispensary


Linen Seal Master
Woods James



Bigley Peter
Boyd Robert
Doragh John
Devlin Patrick
Dinning William
Doris Denis
Hanna Thomas
Hyde Sloan
M'Reynolds James innkeeper
White Joseph
White Thomas


Shopkeepers, Traders & Co.

Bigley Patrick grocer
Campbell Andrew grocer
Carson Andrew baker
Clements James painter & glazier
Elder Robert grocer
Gilmore James watch & clock maker
Hamilton Robert grocer
Laird Robt. earthenware dealer
Little Alexander grocer
M'Lean Archibald cart maker
Megaw John watch & clock maker
Murtagh Bernard grocer
O'Donnell Michl. grocer & publican
Park John woollen draper
Park Thos. woollen draper
Park Wm. saddler & harness maker
Smith Hugh grocer
Wade Henry parish clerk
Weir James cabinet maker & upholsterer
Weir Samuel baker
Wood William grocer


The Royal mail runs from Dungannon distant six miles to Dublin every day at four and returns every morning at ten.
Cars may be hired for the conveyance of goods to any part of the Kingdom