Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Index to the Tithe Applotment Book, All Saints Parish, Co. Donegal 1826

Extracted from FHL Film #0256688
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

The tithe applotments for Allsaints and Taughboyne Parish are contained within the Allsaints tithe applotment book and have been extracted to create this file. The complete book (with images) containing townlands for both parishes can be found at


Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally one tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands, glebes and urban areas and was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, especially by Presbyterians and Catholics, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce the Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash.

In order to effect this change, all agricultural land across the country was required to be surveyed and applotted, or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837, a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish across the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landholders. Two people were appointed by each parish to carry out this assessment. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.

In some parishes more than one survey was taken, whilst in others the manuscript has not survived. The books for all Ireland, compiled between 1823 and 1837, are now deposited in the National Archives of Ireland, Dublin and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).

Tithe books are arranged by townland and record the names of leaseholders, the area of their farm subject to tithe, sometimes the quality of the land and an overall valuation and occasionally the names of landlords. Researchers should be aware that cottiers who did not hold land are not recorded, and unaccountably, some types of land were passed over entirely; a field of potatoes attracted a tithe payment in one parish, but not in that adjoining.

Those researchers who are fortunate to locate a forebear in the Tithe Applotment Books may find it possible to take their research back a further generation prior to Griffiths Valuation.

All Saints Parish Official Townlands

Townland Townland Townland Townland
Ardee Ballybegly Ballybegly Little Ballyboe
Ballyhasky Blanket Nook Bogay Glebe Castleforward Demesne
Castruse Cloon Cole Hill Coney Island
Corncamble Creeve Drumbarnet Drumboy
Drumlougher Drummay Garshooey Glar
Gortinlieve Gortlush Gortree Keshends
Kildrum Lower Kildrum Upper Leitrim Moneygreggan
Monfad Monglass Moyle Moyle Moss
Murlough Newtown Cunningham Plaster Portlough
Roosky Roughan Roughan Glebe Slate Hill
Tonyhabboc Tullyannan Tullyannan Glebe  



Townland Townland Townland Townland
Ardee Ballybegly Ballybegly Little Ballyhasky
Castleforward Castleforward Demesne Castrues Cloone
Colehill Coney Island Corncambel Creeve
Deerpark Derrymore Drumbarnet Drumbuoy
Drumlougher Drummay Garsuey Glar
Gortinlieve Gortlush Gortree Keshends
Kildrum Kildrum Middle Kildrum Upper Leitrim
Milltown Moneygregan Monglass Moyle Moss
Moyle Munfad Murlough Newtowncunningham
Plaister Portlough Rohan Ruskey
Slatehill Tullyannon Tunnyhabock Woodlands




ALEXANDER Joseph Ballybegly
ALEXANDER William Drumlougher
BATESON Sir Robert Castrues
BATESON Sir Robert Drumbarnet
BATESON Sir Robert Garsuey
BATESON Sir Robert Gortinlieve
BLEE Edward Castrues
BOGGS James Gortree
BOVAIRD James Drumbarnet
BRADLEY Pat. Kildrum
BUCHANNON John Ballyhasky
BUCHANNON John Tunnyhabock
BUCHANNON Robert Kildrum
CALDWELL Thomas Garsuey
CALDWELL Widow Garsuey
CAMBLE James Derrymore
CAMPBELL William Drummay
CARLIN James Ballyhasky
CHAMBERS William Kildrum Upper
CLARK Thomas Portlough
CLARKE David Gortlush
CLENDINEN James Slatehill
CLENDINING William Ardee
COCHRAN William Castrues
COCHRAN William Garsuey
COLEMAN Patrick Ballyhasky
COLHOUN Andrew Corncamble
COLHOUN William Drumlougher
CONNOR Thomas Drumbarnet
CONNOR Thomas Drumlougher
COWAN James Gortree
COWAN William Castrues
CRAIG Moses Munfad
CRAWFORD William Gortree
CROCKET James Plaister
CROCKET Robert Ballyhasky
CROCKET Thomas Plaister
CROCKET William Drummay
CULBERT Mrs Munfad
CULBERT Mrs Newtowncunningham
CURRY Samuel Garsuey
CUTHBERT James Portlough
DAVIS William Drummay
DELAP Joseph Corncamble
DELAP Ninian Corncamble
DILLON William Rohan
DOBBINS James Drumlougher
DOGHERTY William Castrues
DOHERTY Thomas Ballyhasky
DOHERTY Widow Ballyhasky
DOHERTY William Ballyhasky
DONAGHY James Leitrim
DONAGHY James Ruskey
DONAGHY John Ruskey
DONAGHY William Leitrim
DONNEL John Kildrum
DOUGLE William Portlough
DUFFY Andy Corncamble
DUFFY Anthony Moneygregan
DUFFY Anthony Newtowncunningham
DUFFY Owen Castleforward
DUFFY Pat Castleforward
ELDER Andrew Rohan
EWING Alexander Ardee
EWING Samuel Ballybegly
FARREN James Castleforward
FISHER James Drumbuoy
FISHER Samuel Glar
FULTON David Drumbarnet
FULTON James Gortinlieve
FULTON Samuel Gortinlieve
GALLAGHER Arthur Ruskey
GALLAGHER Dennis Ruskey
GALLAGHER James Corncamble
GALLAGHER James Garsuey
GALLAGHER Mathew Ruskey
GALLAGHER Thomas Murlough
GALLAGHER Widow Garsuey
GALLAGHER William Ruskey
GAMBLE James Castrues
GAMBLE James Kildrum Middle
GILFILLEN Alexander Woodlands
GILFILLEN John Woodlands
GILFILLEN William Woodlands
GILLILAN Alexander Cloone
GILLILAN Alexander Kildrum Upper
GILLILAND David Drumlougher
GILLYLAN William Ardee
GLEN John Gortree
GLEN Widow Drumlougher
GORDON John Woodlands
HAMILTON Anthony Ardee
HAMILTON David Kildrum Upper
HAMILTON Samuel Drumbuoy
HARRIS Thomas Rohan
HOOD James Moyle
HOOD Mathew Moyle
HUEY Samuel Corncamble
HUME Robert Ballyhasky
HUME Thomas Moyle Moss
IRWIN Joseph Garsuey
JAMESON John Castleforward
KELLY [..?] Colehill
KENNEDY Hester Ballyhasky
KENNEDY Thomas Ballyhasky (late)
KENNY Cornelius Drumbarnet
KERR Stephen Tunnyhabock
KILPATRICK Robert Kildrum
KINCAIDE David Drumbuoy
KINCAIDE Henry Moneygregan
KING Joseph Glar
KING Joseph Moneygregan
KING Samuel Ballyhasky (late)
KING Widow Ballyhasky
LATTA Catherine Munfad
LATTA David Munfad
LAW Robert McFarland, Esq. Cloone
LEATHAM William Tunnyhabock
LOCKHARD Thomas Keshends
LOTHER Francis Drumbarnet
LOUGHEAD John Ballyhasky
LOUGHEAD William Munfad
MACKEY David Drumbuoy
MACKEY David Glar
MACKEY David Moneygregan
MACKEY James Glar
MACKEY James Moneygregan
MACKEY John Creeve
MACKEY Samuel Ballyhasky
MAHON James Ardee
MAHON John Ardee
MAHON William Ardee
MARSHAL James Castrues
MARSHAL John Monglass
MARSHAL John Tullyannon
MARSHAL Miss Kildrum Upper
MASON Andrew Kildrum Middle
Mc CAY/ McCOY Samuel Murlough
McADOO Moses Gortree
McBRIDE James Colehill
McCAFFERTY John Ruskey
McCAFFERTY Sarah Ballyhasky
McCAFFERTY William Ruskey
McCARRON Michael Kildrum
McCAY/ McCOY Henry Moyle Moss
McCAY/ McCOY Henry Newtowncunningham
McCAY/ McCOY John Newtowncunningham
McCLAIN John Moneygregan
McCLAIRN Widow Clashygowan
McCLAIRN William Milltown
McCLENNAN [..?] Drumlougher
McCONNELL George Ballyhasky
McCOOL Samuel Ruskey
McCOOL William Ruskey
McCOOLE Henry Ruskey
McCOOLE James Ballyhasky
McCORMICK David Castleforward
McCRAB William Castrues
McCREA Robert Ballyhasky
McDAID James Moyle Moss
McDEVITT Bryan Newtowncunningham
McDEVITT James Newtowncunningham
McGADY William Kildrum
McGARR [McGIRR] Robert Corncamble
McILHENNY John Drumbarnet
McLAUGHLIN Peter Newtowncunningham
McREADY Hugh Kildrum
MITCHEL James Drummay
MITCHEL James Tunnyhabock
MONTGOMERY Hugh Ballybegly Little
MONTGOMERY William Gortree
MOODY James Ballyhasky
MOONY Andrew Castleforward
MOOR Henry Ballybegly
O’DONNELL Daniel Ballyhasky
ORR Samuel Kildrum
PARK William Ballybegly Little
PARKER William Ballyhasky
PARKER William Newtowncunningham
PARKER William Ruskey
PARKHILL Hamilton Castrues
PATTERSON Thomas Munfad
PATTERSON Thomas Plaister
PATTERSON William Munfad
PINKERTON William Monglass
PINKERTON William Portlough
RANKIN John Garsuey
RANKIN Robert Ballybegly
READ David Coney Island
REAGH James Corncamble
REAGH John Ballyhasky
REAGH Joseph Corncamble
REID James Moyle Moss
RIDDAL Miss Newtowncunningham
RISK David Tullyannon
RODGERS David Moyle
RODGERS John, Jun. Tullyannon
RODGERS John, Sen. Tullyannon
RODGERS William Garsuey
ROGERS Andrew Kildrum
ROSE David Drumbarnet
ROULSTON James Corncamble
RUDDY Alexander Gortree
RUDDY Samuel Gortree
RUTHERFORD Alex. Drumlougher
SIMPSON John Ballyhasky
SMILY Thomas Cloone
SMILY Thomas Monglass
SMILY Thomas, Jun. Garsuey
SMILY Thomas, Sen. Garsuey
SMITH Anthony Colehill
SMITH William Colehill
SMITH William Drumbuoy
SPEIR Andrew Deerpark
SPEIR James Deerpark
TAYLOR James Munfad
TAYLOR Joseph Rohan
THOMPSON Alexander Moneygregan
THOMPSON Alexander Moyle
THOMPSON Alexander Moyle Moss
THOMPSON Robert Castrues
TIMLIER [TUMLIN?] Patrick Ardee
WALKER James Drumlougher
WALKER Robert Drumlougher
WICKLOW Earl of Castleforward
WICKLOW Earl of Castleforward Demesne
WICKLOW Earl of Deerpark
WILLSON Alexander Keshends
WILLSON Alexander Monglass
WILLSON James Gortlush
WILLSON James Kildrum Middle
WILLSON John Gortlush
WILLSON John Portlough
WILLSON John Tunnyhabock
WILLSON Josiah Portlough
WILLSON Thomas Portlough
WILLSON Thomas Ruskey
WILLSON William Ruskey
WOODS Thomas Gortree
WRIGHT John Creeve
WRIGHT John Drumlougher
WRIGHT Thomas Creeve
WRIGHT Thomas Drumlougher
YOUNG John Garsuey

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All Saints Parish Records, Co. Donegal

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