Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Smyth Family Notes, Co. Tyrone 1822-69

Extracted from personal notices and advertisements inserted in the STRABANE MORNING POST and the LONDONDERRY SENTINEL
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


October 15 1822 [Married] On Wednesday last, by the Rev. Mr. Hay, of Derry, the REV. JOHN ALEXANDER ADAMS, Presbyterian Minister of this town, to ANNE JANE, daughter of JOHN SMYTH, of Gallony, Esq.
December 17 1822 ROBBERIES. - On the evening of Saturday, or early on Sunday morning, the tobacco store of MR. D. SMYTH, Front street, was entered by some person or persons, and 5 rolls of tobacco carried off. Although the strictest search has been made, no trace has been discovered of the depredators
February 4 1823





BEGS leave to inform the Inhabitants of Strabane, and its Vicinity, that he has commenced Business in the House occupied by the late MR. WILLIAM WAUCHOB, where he intends carrying on the Woollen Business, in all its Branches. Having served an Apprenticeship of seven years, to one of the most respectable Houses in the Country, he flatters himself with having a perfect knowledge of his Business. The depressed state of the Market has enabled him to lay in his Stock at unusually low Prices, and can now offer to the Public Advantages, which, he hopes, will insure a Preference to his House.

T. Smyth, aware of the inconvenience and unnecessary trouble given to those unacquainted with Woollen Goods by Shopkeepers who ask second Prices, is determined to ask the lowest Selling Price, and from which no deviation whatever shall be made. It is by punctuality, light Profits, and determination to buy and sell for ready money, that he hopes to insure a share of public favour

January 25, 1823

March 25 1828 [Died] We are sorry at having to announce the death of our much esteemed townsman, MR ROBERT SMYTH. He died on Sunday last, and has left a widow and eight children to deplore his loss. It is indeed too weak and common place a tribute to his memory to say that he was a most affectionate and attentive husband, kind and indulgent parent, and much esteemed and respected by all who knew him for his generous and hospitable disposition.



September 18 1830 [Died] On Wednesday week, the REV. JAMES SMYTH, of Strabane
August 27 1831 [Died] On Saturday last, the 20th inst., MRS. SMYTH, of Eden, parish of Donagheady
December 6 1834 [Married] On the 28th ult., at Deasart, by the Rev. Mr. Rea, MR. WILLIAM BROWN SMYTH, fifth son to MR. JAMES SMYTH, Sprucebank, near Portglenone, to MISS ISABELLA, daughter of MR. JAMES SMYTH, of Deasart, near Strabane
July 25 1835 [Married] On the 16th inst., by the Rev. Robert Anderson, MR. WILLIAM FERGUSON, of Clare, county Down, to MISS MARGARET SMYTH, of Banbridge, second daughter of the late MR. ROBERT SMYTH, of Strabane
February 23 1839 [Married] On Wednesday, 20th inst., by the Rev. F. Little. MR. ANDREW SMYTH, of Deerpark, to ISABELLA, youngest daughter of MR. WILLIAM McFEETERS, of Newtownstewart
January 9 1841 [Died] On the 25th ult., at the residence of her nephew, MR. JOHN ADAMS, Ballydevitt, MISS ANNE SMYTH, aged 72 years, formerly of Strabane
December 24 1841 [Married] At Maghera Church [Co. Londonderry] , by special licence, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Spencer Knox, JAMES ALWOOD, ESQ., first clerk in the Collector's office of Excise in Coleraine, to MISS SMYTH, daughter of the late THOMAS SMYTH, Donebraggy, Esq., county Tyrone. After a dejeune a la fourchette at her aunt's, MISS WILLIAMS, the happy couple set off for Coleraine
March 5 1842 [Died] On the 26th February, at his residence in Gallony, near Strabane, JOHN SMYTH, ESQ., aged 77 years
April 16 1842 [Married] At Lake Cottage, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. James A. Smyth, MR. JOHN A. SMYTH, principal of the Cookstown Academy, to MARIA, youngest daughter of MR. WILLIAM McCAW, of Portglenone, county Antrim
June 11 1842 [Married] In Urney Church, on the 8th inst., by his brother, the REV. VINCENT B. SMYTH, WILLIAM SMYTH, ESQ., manager of the Belfast Branch, Strabane, to MATILDA ANNE, second daughter of the late JAMES SPROUL, ESQ., of Mellmount, near Strabane
December 10 1842 [Birth] On the 30th ult., the lady of D. SMYTH, ESQ., Strabane, of a son
May 27 1843 [Birth] On Saturday, the 20th inst., at the Belfast Bank, Strabane, the lady of WILLIAM SMYTH, of a daughter
June 8 1844 [Birth] May 29, at Gallony, near Strabane, the lady of DAVID SMYTH, ESQ., of a Daughter
July 27 1844 [Married] On Wednesday week, in Urney Church, by the Rev. John Conroy, MR. ROBERT SMYTH, to Mabel, only daughter of MR. SAMUEL BLAIR, Bridgend, Strabane
November 9 1844 [Married] On the 25th October, by the Rev. James Reid Dill, Presbyterian Minister Dromore, county Tyrone, MR. WILLIAM SCOTT, Dromore, formerly of Cranny, to REBECCA, youngest daughter of NATHANIEL SMYTH, ESQ
February 1 1845 [Birth] On Saturday morning, the 25th ult., at the Belfast Bank, Strabane, the lady of WILLIAM SMYTH, ESQ., of a son
October 11 1845 [Married] On the 2nd inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Gilligooly, by the Rev. John Black, MR. WILLIAM FRENCH, to ELIZABETH, only daughter of MR. DAVID SMYTH, of Coolaghy
January 17 1846 [Birth] On the 4th inst., the lady of DAVID SMYTH, ESQ., Gallony, of a daughter
November 21 1846 [Birth] On Sunday, the 8th inst., at the Belfast Bank, Strabane, the lady of W. SMYTH, ESQ., of a son
March 20 1847 [Married] On the 12th inst., in Lissan Parish Church, by the Rev. Mr. Irvine, MR. THOMAS SMYTH, of Doneybragy , to Isabella, third daughter of MR. JAMES HOGG, of Ballydawley
April 17 1847 [Married] In Strabane Church, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Edward Atkinson, MR. ROBERT SMYTH, of Glenlough, to ELIZA, fourth daughter of MR. OLIVER BOND, of Liskey, parish of Camus
March 25 1848 [Birth] On the 21st inst., at Strabane, the lady of DAVID SMYTH, ESQ., of a son
June 9 1849 [Married] On Friday, 1st June, at Glenelly Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Alexander, of Douglass, MR. GEORGE WESLEY of Moneymore, to MISS JANE SMYTH, grand-daughter of the late REV. ROBERT REID, of Letterbratt
June 9 1849 [Birth] On the 28th ult., at Fenner Glebe, county Tyrone, the lady of the REV. H. SMYTH, of a son
July 12 1850 [Married] On the 2nd Inst., at Tullylisk Church, near Banbridge [Co. Down], by the Rev. W. McIlwaine, Incumbent of St. George's Church Belfast, ROBERT DRUITT, ESQ., London, to MARY, youngest daughter of the late ROBERT SMYTH, ESQ., of Strabane
December 5 1851 [Married] December 1st, in the Parish Church of Kilskeery, county Tyrone, by the REV. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, brother to the bride, the REV. STEWART Smyth, of Selby, England, to ELIZABETH, fourth daughter of ANDREW CRAWFORD, ESQ., of Trillick
September 10 1852 [Married] On the 2nd inst., at Newtownstewart Church, by the REV. JAMES SMYTH, Rector of Strabane, father of the bridegroom, OSWALD SMYTH, ESQ., Lieutenant 33rd Madras N.I., to MARY, eldest daughter of the late ALEXANDER AUCHINLECK, ESQ., of Mulvin, county Tyrone, and grand-daughter of the late SIR JOHN JAMES BURGOYNE
March 11 1853 [Married] In the First Presbyterian Church, Ardstraw, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. M. Clarke, MR. MATTHEW SMYTH, Glenglush, to ELIZABETH, daughter of MR. NATHANIEL CALDWELL, Drumdarragh
November 4-1853 [Married] On the 26th ult., in the First Presbyterian Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. T.S. Wray, MR. WILLIAM DOAK, Milltown, Ardstraw, to MARGARET, eldest daughter of MR. JAMES SMYTH, Eden
August 25 1854 [Birth] On the 15th inst., at Dullerton House, county Tyrone, the wife of JOHN SMYTH, ESQ., of a son
September 19 1856 [Married] At Brackfield, on the 16th inst., in the Presbyterian Church of Lower Cumber [Co. Londonderry], by the Rev. S.S. Allison, MR. JOSEPH SMYTH, Liscleen, county Tyrone, to MISS M.A. ROSBOROUGH, daughter of the late MR. MAJOR ROSBOROUGH, Lisbunny, near Cumber Claudy, county Derry
December 19 1856 [Married] On the 11th inst., in First Donagheady [Presbyterian Church] , by the Rev. S.T. Wray, assisted by the REV. J. SMYTH, brother to the bride, MR. WILLIAM ANDREWS, merchant, Derry, to NANCY, second daughter of MR. J. SMYTH, of Eden
July 10 1857 [Married] On the 18th ult., by the Rev. S.T. Wray, in the First Presbyterian Church, Donagheady, WILLIAM SMYTH, ESQ., Altrest Cottage, to MARY, youngest daughter of the late JAMES STEWART, ESQ., Altrest House
January 22 1858 [Married] On the 18th inst., in the First Presbyterian Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. Samuel Wray, WILLIAM SMYTH, ESQ., Drimgatty, to MARGARET ANNE, youngest daughter of the late JAMES McINTYRE, ESQ., Maghreagh
May 21 1858 [Birth] On the 16th inst., at Dungannon, the lady of MR. ALEXANDER SMYTH, of a Son
March 11 1859 [Died] March 4, at Artagarvan, Strabane, JOHN ROBERT, eldest son of DAVID SMYTH, ESQ., aged 16 years
April 8 1859 [Died] March 29, at Springhill, near Strabane, after a lingering illness, SARAH, aged 57 years, relict of the late MR. JOSEPH SMYTH
April 22 1859 [Died] At Strabane, on Thursday last, MRS. SMYTH, wife of MR. THOMAS SMYTH
June 3 1859 [Married] May 24, in Castlederg Church, by the Rev. Edward Edwards, MR. JAMES McCORMICK, Castlederg, to ANN ELIZA, eldest daughter of MR. JOHN SMYTH, Dartons
February 17 1860 [Married] February 9, in the Presbyterian Church, St. Johnston [Co. Donegal], by the Rev. William Scott, assisted by the Rev. J. McConaghy, MR. JAMES SMYTH, Colehill, near Newtowncunningham, to ANNIE, eldest daughter of the late MR. WILLIAM HUNTER, Cavanalee, near Strabane
March 2 1860 [Married] On the 28th February, in the Presbyterian Church, Seskanore, by the Rev. Josias Mitchell, the REV. JOHN SMYTH, Seskanore, to MARY JANE, the only daughter of WILLIAM WARNOCK, ESQ., Drumragh, Omagh
November 22 1861 [Died] On the 8th November, at Urney, the REV. VINCENT BEATTY SMYTH, aged 55 years
February 21 1862 [Died] February 10, suddenly, at Dartans, near Castlederg, JOHN SMYTH, ESQ
June 27 1862 [Married] June 20, in the Cathedral, Derry, by the Rev. Francis Smith, MR. FRANCIS JAMES McPARLANE, Londonderry, to ELLEN, second daughter of CHARLES SMYTH, ESQ., of Redergan, near Beragh, county Tyrone
January 16 1863 January 18, at Tivenny, near Donemana, MR. GEORGE SMYTH
April 3 1863 [Birth} March 28, at Fintona, the wife of JOHN SMYTH, ESQ., of a daughter
September 1 1863 [Married] August 18, in the Presbyterian Church, Seskanore, by the REV. JOHN SMYTH, brother of the bride, MR. GEORGE McILROY, Eskermore, to MISS E.J. SMYTH, the Manse, Seskanore
January 8 1864 [Died] On the 6th January, at the residence of his uncle, MR. JAMES CURRY, Coolmaghery, MR. ROBERT SMYTH, of Ballinamallaugh, aged nineteen years
May 24 1864 [Married] May 19, in the First Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. James Gibson, assisted by the Rev. Richard Smyth, Londonderry, MARTHA, eldest daughter of JAMES ATKIN, ESQ., Edymore, to JOHN STEWART, JUN., ESQ., Liskey
October 11 1864 [Married] July 26, in Jefferson County, Mississippi, by the Rev. Mr. Love, JOHN, eldest son of the late JOHN SMYTH, ESQ., Dartons, Castlederg, to REBECCA M., only daughter of ELAM BOWMAN, ESQ., Wavertree, Louisiana, C.S., America
February 10 1865 [Died] On the 31st January, at Altrest, WILLIAM SMYTH, aged 88 years
July 11 1865 [Married] July 6, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Omagh, by the Rev. Josias Mitchell, MR. WILLIAM SMYTH, of Gillygooly, to SARAH JANE, daughter of MR. WILLIAM GRAHAM, Dunwish
June 8 1866 [Married] June 7, at the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Mulvin, by the Rev. J.A. Chancellor, Belfast, assisted by the Rev. C.K. Toland, Bready, MR. ROBERT SMYTH, to ANNIE, eldest daughter of the late MR. WILLIAM BATES, both of Strabane
July 31 1866 [Married] July 26, at the Second Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart, by the Rev. Francis Little, MR. ALEXANDER HOOD, of Deerpark, county Tyrone, to MISS MARY D. SMYTH, second daughter of MR. WILLIAM SMYTH, Lisdoonan, county Tyrone
September 4 1866 [Birth] August 24, at Gillygooley, Omagh, the wife of MR. WILLIAM SMYTH, of a Daughter
December 14 1866 [Married] December 12, in the Parish Church of Fahan Lower, Buncrana [Co. Donegal] , by the Rev. Charleton Maxwell, Rector of Leckpatrick, assisted by the Rev. Edward George Dougherty, of Fahan Lower, the REV. WALTER LITTLE GILMOUR BOYD, of Skelmorlie, Scotland, to MARGARET ANNE, eldest daughter of DAVID SMYTH, ESQ., Artagarvan, county Tyrone
April 12 1867 [Died] On the 4th April, at his residence, Rathgar, Dublin, ROBERT SMYTH, ESQ., C.E., youngest son of the late ROBERT SMYTH, ESQ., Strabane, aged 88 years
October 1 1867 [Married] September 24, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Comber [Co. Down], by the Rev. Dr. Coulter, MR. ALEXANDER SMYTH, Grange, Cookstown, to MISS MARGARET STEELE, Comber
October 8 1867 [Married] September 27, in the First Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. James Gibson, M.A., MR. JOHN J. SMYTH, to ANNIE, second daughter of MR. DONALD MACDONALD, both of Strabane
October 25 1867 [Died] October 23, at his residence, Millburn, Buncrana [Co. Donegal], MR. DAVID SMYTH, formerly of Artegarvan, aged 68 years. His remains will be removed for interment in Urney Churchyard, on Saturday, 26th inst., at the hour of six o'clock, a.m
December 20 1867 December 15, JANE EKEN, wife of the late MR. SAMUEL SMYTH, of Drumconvis, near Coagh, aged 82 years
December 24 1867 [Birth] On the 18th December, at Gillygooley, the wife of MR. WILLIAM SMYTH, jun., of a son
March 24 1868 [Died] March 21, at Omagh, HANNAH, wife of MR. TERENCE SMYTH, draper, aged 60 years
March 9 1869 [Birth] March 8, at the Gipsies’ Encampment, Strabane, the wife of MR. JOHN SMYTH, of a daughter
June 18 1869 [Married] June 8, in the Parish Church of Carnteel, by the Rev. T.G. Stokes, MR. GEORGE SMYTH, Omagh, fourth son of MR. WILLIAM SMYTH, Gillygooley, Omagh, to ELIZABETH, eldest surviving daughter of MR. WILLIAM REID, of Torlugan, Aughnacloy
July 23 1869 [Married] July 20, at the Parish Church, Stewartstown, by the Rev. W.J.M. Young, A.B., Incumbent of Brackaville, HENRY, eldest son of MR. CHARLES NEWELL, to SARAH, second daughter of MR. THOMAS SMYTH, both of Stewartstown
August 27 1869 [Births] August 21, at Altrest, the wife of WILLIAM SMYTH, ESQ., of twin sons
October 15 1869 [Married] Oct. 7, in First Presbyterian Church, Strabane, by the Rev. James Gibson, M.A., JOHN BLAIR, ESQ., to MARTHA, eldest daughter of FRANCIS SMYTH, ESQ., Desert
October 26 1869 [Died] Oct. 24, at Cloughbuoy, Mr. Thomas Smyth, aged 84 years
November 9 1869 [Married] Nov. 3, in the Presbyterian Church, Dromore, by the Rev. J.R. Dill, assisted by the REV. D. FLEMING, brother of the bridegroom, HAMILTON FLEMING, ESQ., Fintona, to Jane, eldest daughter of SAMUEL SMYTH, ESQ., Dromore