November 15 1831 |
NOTICE TAKE NOTICE, that, from this date, I will not PAY any DEBT or DEBTS, MARTHA McCAUSLAND, otherwise MARTHA CUMMINGS, My Wife, shall contract. Dated at Strabane, this 12th day of November, 1831 ROBERT CUMMINGS |
June 18 1833 |
POINTER DOG LOST LOST in the neighbourhood of CASTLETOWN, in the Parish of Urney, on Friday, the 7th instant, a Rough Pointer Dog, of the Russian Breed, answers to the name of FRIGHT. Any person bringing him to Mr. McCAUSLAND’S of Castletown shall receive One Pound Reward. Should any Person be found having the Dog in his possession, after this Notice, he shall be prosecuted according to Law. June 14, 1833 |
May 24 1836 | On the evening of Saturday the 14th inst. a violent assault was committed in Omagh, on one of the most estimable private gentlemen and impartial and upright magistrates of the county, ALEX. McCAUSLAND, ESQ. He was waylaid at the corner of Church-street, and much injured in the head by blows from a heavy stick, or some such weapon. No cause can be assigned for such a wanton outrage. A large reward has been offered for the apprehension of the offender. We will be glad to hear of his being brought to punishment |
May 7 1839 | Married in Gortin Church, on Wednesday 1st inst., by the Rev. Mervyn Wilson, the lady's brother, ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, ESQ., of Omagh, to JANE, second daughter of the late DANIEL WILSON, ESQ., of the same Place |
February 6 1839 | Died in Omagh, on the 30th January, suddenly, at the house of her brother, ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, ESQ., Elizabeth, wife of EDWARD HUNT, ESQ., C.C.P., and second daughter of the late MAJOR McCAUSLAND |
January 28 1843 | Married January 17, at Cappagh Church, county Tyrone, by the Rev. Robert Dixon, the REV. WILLIAM S. CUTHBERT, to ANNE, third daughter of the late MAJOR McCAUSLAND, of the same county |
February 18 1843 | Married on the 14th inst., by the Rev. James Hill, MR. ROBERT McCAUSLAND, of Omagh, to MISS KLOPHEL, daughter of MR. W.C. KLOPHEL, professor of music, late of this City |
April 6 1844 | Birth: March 27th, at Fort Lodge, county Tyrone, the lady of ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, ESQ., of a son |
September 19 1846 | Birth: on the 13th inst., at Drumnakilly House, Omagh, the lady of ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, ESQ., of a daughter |
September 13 1850 | Birth: on the 4th inst., at Drumnakilly House, the lady of ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, ESQ., of a daughter |
April 8 1853 | Married on Thursday, 31st March, in Newtownstewart Church, by the Rev. Charles Hamilton, MR. ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, of Moil, to MISS MARGARET McCONNELL, of Tattynure |
August 27 1858 | Died on the 13th inst., at Drumnakilly, county Tyrone, ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, ESQ., J.P., aged 48 years |
August 8 1862 | Married July 16, in the First Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart, by the Rev. Robert C. Donnell, assisted by the Rev. William Lynch, of Moyle, MR. JOHN McCAUSLAND, to MISS MARGARET McFARLAND, youngest daughter of JAMES MCFARLAND, ESQ., of Castletown |
May 10 1864 | Married April 24, in Cappagh Church, by the Rev. J.R. Scott, assisted by the Rev. James Lyons, A.M., Farist, MR. WILLIAM MARSHALL, Castleaddy, to ANNE, fourth daughter of JOHN McCAUSLAND, ESQ., of Dunbreen |
October 16 1866 | Married October 10, at Celbridge Church, by the Rev. Henry Johnston, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. James Gully, ALEXANDER McCAUSLAND, ESQ., of Drumnakilly, Omagh, to ELIZABETH ROSINA, eldest daughter of JOHN JOHNSTON, ESQ., of Rose Lawn, county Kildare |