Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Cooke Family Notes, Strabane, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1815-69

Personal notices and advertisements extracted from the STRABANE MORNING POST & LONDONDERRY SENTINEL
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia




March 28 1815 On Tuesday last, aged 19, MISS COOK, daughter of MR. JOHN COOK, of this town, sincerely and deservedly regretted
May 14 1842 In Londonderry, on Wednesday the 1st of May, MRS. COOKE, aged 35 Years. With the exception of a few intervals, she was the subject of affliction for upwards of 12 years past. Though at her time of life, the relish of health and attachment to the world could not have subsided, yet she endured the pangs and privation of affliction with uncommon fortitude and calm resignation
June 8, 1824

JOHN COOK, Watch and Clock Maker,

TRULY grateful to his numerous Friends and the public, for the encouragement he has hitherto received, now begs leave to inform them, that he has removed his Establishment to the House formerly occupied by the late Mr. Robert Hall, Front Street, where he will carry on the above Business in all its Branches. From his mode of conducting Business, he hopes to continue to give decided Satisfaction to those who may honour him with their commands.

J. C. has just received a Superior Assortment of

Patent Lever, Jewelled, and Vertical



Also, a Collection of SUPERB JEWELLERY, which he will sell on the very lowest Terms

Nov 9 1824

Painting, Glazing,


Main Street, within one door of Castle-street.

FOR the kind support which he has received from the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Strabane and vicinity, DANIEL COOK returns his sincere thanks - and begs leave to inform them, that in addition to his former Stock, he has lately received a large Supply of

BEST DUMBARTON WINDOW-GLASS, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms, for ready Money.

He begs leave to assure his Friends and Customers, that it shall be his constant study to merit a continuance of that preference, with which he has hitherto been favoured.

Strabane, November 8, 1824

December 8, 1829 On Tuesday, the 1st inst. by the Rev. Wm. Mulligan, MR. WILLIAM COOKE to JANE, eldest daughter of the late MR. ROBERT SMYTH of this town
September 28, 1830 In this town, on Thursday morning last, MRS. COOKE, relict of the late MR. JOHN COOKE, most deservedly regretted by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance
Dec 7 1830


MOST respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced the Business of COACH & HOUSE PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, &c. in Strabane, in that House next door to Mr. JAMES PORTER’S, Front-street, and trusts, from the knowledge he possesses of the several Branches of his Profession, and unremitting attention to the execution of all Orders with which he may be favoured, to merit a share of support.

Nov. 22, 1830

February 25, 1834 On Thursday last, by the Rev. James Gamble, MR. WM. COOKE, JUN. of this town, to ANNE ELIZA, youngest daughter of the late DR. CONDY, of same place.
October 28, 1834 On the night of Tuesday last, a pane was broken in the shop window of MR. J. COOK, watchmaker, of this town, and a silver watch taken out. The alarm was instantly given, when Mr. Cook and some other persons pursued a man who was running down the street. Mr. Cook lost sight of him, but luckily followed two men of suspicious appearance, into a lodging house at the foot of the town. - Whilst he was questioning those persons, a young man of the name of BOYD, rushed into the house, quite out of breath, who proved to be the individual who committed the robbery. That active officer, CAPTAIN FITZMAURICE attended immediately with the police, and on searching Boyd, they found a watch on his person, which Mr. Cook proved to have been left with him for repair. Boyd stands committed to Omagh gaol (we understand, on his own admission) to take his trial at the next Assizes



September 25 1830 On Thursday morning last, in Main Street, Strabane, MRS. COOK, relict of the late MR. JOHN COOK
October 22 1842 At Strabane, on Saturday, the 15th inst., after two months illness, of disease of the brain, JOHN, eldest son of MR. WILLIAM COOKE, JUNIOR, aged seven years
August 31 1844 At Strabane, on the 28th inst., MR. JAMES COOKE, SENIOR, aged 78 years
March 29 1845 On the 18th inst., at Auchtermuchty, Scotland, by the Rev. John A. Cooke, Free Church, Auchtergavin, JAMES GRAY, ESQ., Auchtermuchty, to MARIA ISABELLA, youngest daughter of the late MR. JAMES COOKE, Strabane
June 13 1846 At Londonderry, on the 7th inst., aged 22 yrs, JANE, the beloved wife of MR. JAMES COOK, JUN., Strabane, and formerly of this City
March 4 1848 In the Second Presbyterian Church of Strabane, on Wednesday morning, by the Rev. W.A. Russell, MR. JAMES COOKE, merchant, to LILY, youngest daughter of WILLIAM MURDOCH, ESQ., of the Excise
August 3 1849 At Strabane, on Thursday, the 26th ult., after a lingering illness, MRS. DANIEL COOKE, aged 37 years
February 5 1848 At her residence, Strabane, on the 28th ult. MARTHA COOKE, relict of the late MR. JAMES COOKE, SEN., in the 71st year of her age
November 30 1849 In Strabane, on Tuesday night last, very suddenly, MR. DANIEL COOK, aged 59 years
August 17 1855 At Strabane, on the morning of Monday, the 13th inst., in the prime of life, MR. JAMES COOKE, of the Strabane Iron and Brass Foundry
November 19 1858 At Strabane, on the 17th inst., JANE, wife of MR. JOHN COOK, watchmaker, after a long and painful illness
June 17 1859 June 15, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Church Street, Strabane, by the Rev. W.C. Doonan, assisted by the Rev. Henry Geddes, MR. JOHN COOK, of Strabane, watchmaker and jeweller, to MISS MARY JANE GRAHAM, of same Place
November 8 1861 November 1, at 4 Lord Russell Place, Edinburgh, the residence of her brother in law, MATILDA JANE, daughter of the late MR. JAMES COOKE, Strabane
November 22 1861 On the 10th November, at Strabane, Jane, wife of MR. WILLIAM COOK, painter
May 30 1862 May 26, in the office of the District Registrar for Londonderry, by Mr. Thomas McCarter, Registrar, MR. JAMES WILLIAMSON, engineer, Bankfoot, Perthshire [Scotland], to MARY JANE, daughter of the late MR. JAMES COOKE, Strabane
December 5 1862 November 27, in the Parish Church, Strabane, by the Rev. W. Raynell, MR. WILLIAM COOK, to CATHERINE, eldest daughter of MR. RICHARD GWYNNE, both of Strabane
April 11 1865 April 5, at Strabane, suddenly, of congestion of the lung, MR. WILLIAM COOK
April 21 1868 April 17, at Strabane, MR. JOHN COOKE
December 31 1869 Dec. 15, in the Cathedral Royal, St. John's, Newfoundland, James, son of the late JAMES COOKE, ESQ., Strabane, to EMMA, only daughter of the late W. VINACOMBE, ESQ., merchant, St. John's