Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Slater's Directory of Ulster - 1846

Transcribed by Mary Gouger


MONEYMORE is a market town, partly in the parish of Desertlyn, but chiefly in that of Ardtred, barony of Loughinsholin, county of Londonderry, 109 miles N. by W. from Dublin, 86 miles W. N. W. from Belfast, 38 S.E. from Londonderry, 34 S. from Coleraine, the same distance N. from Armagh, 19 S.E. from Dungiven, 10 S. by E. from Maghera, 81/2 N. from Stewartstown, 6 W.S.W. from Ballyrosan (on Lough Neagh), and 41/2 N.E. from Cookstown; situated on the mail road from Armagh to Coleraine. This place, which is one of the oldest post towns in the county, is noticed in Pynnar's Survey, as 'consisting of an ancient castle, a fine old building, and six good houses of stone and lime.' Cormick O'Hagan, a follower of Sir Phelim O'Nial, took the castle by stratagem, in 1641, and it was pulled down about 1769. The town consists of two principal and five smaller streets, the houses of which are well built, and the place exhibits a character of neatness and comfort. The town, and a large tract of adjacent country, are the property of the Drapers' Company, London, who have greatly improved the town and distric They have planted eight hundred statute acres; completed more than fifty Irish miles of good road, at their own expense; constructed bridges, erected places of worship, and founded schools on different parts of their estate; thus conferring a vast amount of benefit on the labouring population, and contributing greatly to the general comfort of their own tenantry.
The linen manufacture is carried on extensively in both the town and the circumjacent country; and at the markets and fairs considerable quantities of linen, corn and butter, are sent to Ballyannan, and there shipped for conveyance up Lough Neagh, and along its connected lines of navigation. The market house, the courthouse, the linen hall, and its principal inn, are at once ornamental to the town, and would do credit to one of much greater magnitude - the last-named, the Drapers' Arms Hotel, is in every respect an excellent house. Petty sessions are held on alternate Tuesdays, and a court for the manor, monthly - the latter, which is coextensive, with the whole estates belonging to the company, so often mentioned, comprises sixty-four townlands.
The parish church of Desertlyn, adjoining the town, is a very elegant structure in the Norman style, erected in 1832, at an expense of £6,000, wholly defrayed by the Drapers' Company. In 1823 a large and handsome Presbyterian meeting house was built by the same muniferant proprietors, at a cost of £3,000 and another has been lately erected. The Roman Catholics have a very neat chapel in the neighbourhood; and the Methodists have a place of worship. The benevolent institutions comprise a dispensary, and the schools of the Drapers' Company, with another of the Church Education Society, and one for infants. The weekly market is held on Friday, and there is a general market or fair on the 21st of every month. The town of Moneymore contained, in 1841, 942 inhabitants.

COAGH is a village, in the parish of Tamlaght, barony of Dungannon, county of Tyrone, between four and five miles south by east from Moneymore; situated at the north verge of the county, on the river Ballinderry, about four miles above its debouch into Lough Neagh. At this place Mr Dargan, the celebrated contractor has succeeded in making one of the finest lakes is the country subservient to commercial enterprise. A fine pier has been constructed, which extends full one hundred and fifty yards into the lough. Steamers now ply between this place and the railway at Portadown, and by this valuable navigation passengers and goods are conveyed at surprisingly low rates, and the intercourse with Belfast, and the towns contiguous to the lake has thus been facilitated. Lough Erne has also been opened by the same talented and enterprising individual, whereby a large increase of trading has been conferred on the steamers and lighters. On the very edge of Lough Neagh stands Newport Trench, the beautiful residence of W Freckleton. Esq. commanding a delightful, varied, and expansive view over the counties of Tyrone, Derry, Armagh, and Antrim, with the Carlingford and Newry mountains in the distance. A visit to this interesting seat will well reward the tourist in quest of the 'picturesque and beautiful.' The trade of Coagh is considerable for its size; the manufacture of linen is carried on extensively, and there is a large flax mill. The parish church of Tamlaght, and a Presbyterian meeting-house, are the places of worship. Burns, the Irish giant, whose height was 8 feet 2 inches, was a native of Coagh. A fair is held here on the second Tuesday in every month. The population of the village, which in 1841 was 388, is rapidly increasing.

David RICHEY, Post Master. - Letters from DUBLIN and all parts of the SOUTH OF IRELAND, also from ENGLAND and SCOTLAND, arrive every morning at six minutes past nine, and are despatched every afternoon at twenty minutes past three. -Letters from COLERAINE and various parts NORTH arrive every afternoon at twenty minutes past three, and are despatched every morning at six minutes past nine.

Anne STOREY, Post Mistress. - Letters from all parts arrive every forenoon at half-past eleven, and are despatched every morning at half-past seven.

Aikin Mr. John, Coagh
Bailie Rev. Kennedy, D.D. Antrea
Bryan Mrs. Mary Ann, Circular road
Barnett Rev. John, D.D. Circular road
Carpendale Rev. Maxwell, Tamlaght Glebe
Clarke Miss Mary, Spring vale
Conynham Willam Lenox, Esq. Spring hill
Evans Rev. ---. Silver hill
Evans Rev. John, Ballygooney (?)
Freckleton Willam, Esq. Newport Trench
Hamilton Mrs. Eliza, Croagh
Herron Rev. Thomas, Coagh
Heron Rev. Thomas, Spring bank
Hewitt Honourable and Rev John P. Crossnarea
Holmes Rev. Robert, Fair View
McDonnell John, Esq. Moneymore
McGeagh Rev. James, Ballinderry
Mocool Rev. Thomas, Ballygrooby

Transcribed by Ruza Trivan

Moneymore, continued page 500

GENTRY, &c. continued.

Miller John Rowley, Esq. Moneymore
Miller Miss Mary Anne, Moneymore
Miller Rowley, Esq…p. Moneymore
Montgomery William, Esq. Ballindrum Cottage
Morgan Rev. George, Retreat
Newton Mrs. Alicia, Coagh
O'Brien Rev. Chas. Loop [Cottage]
Patchell John, Esq. R.N. Burbuoy
Quinn Charles, Esq. Moneyhaw
Quinn James, Esq. Carndaisey
Quinn Rev. Patrick, Ballinderry
Senior Edward, Esq. Moneymore
Smyth Mrs. Frances, Desertlyn Cottage
Synclair Rev. Robert, Moymelemuay
Tisdall Rev. James, Ballinderry
Usher Rev. Henry, Ballinderry
Wright Mrs. Gertrude, Circular road


Bessell Charles, Moneymore
Bessell Josephine, Moneymore
Church Education Society's School Moneymore-
Jon. Wade, master;
Catherine Farr, mistress
Endowed School, Moneymore-
Andrew Harton, master;
Anne Bart, mistress
Infant's School, Moneymore-
Mary Carmichael, mistress
Infant's School, Coagh-
Sarah Taylor, mistress
Montgomery Mary Anne, Coagh

(See also Physicians and Surgeons.)

Blair Bryce, Moneymore
M'Geagh William, Moneymore
Otterson Michael, Moneymore
Thompson David, Moneymore

Kennedy William, Coagh
Morris William, Moneymore
Wright John, Moneymore

Northern Banking Co. (Branch)-- (draw on Glyn, Halifax & Co. London)
Messrs. Rowley & John Rowley Miller, managers

Allen David, Moneymore
Allen John, Moneymore
Donnelly Robert, Coagh
Graham James, Moneymore
Latimer Hugh, Coagh
Latimer James, Coagh

Cowden Alexander, Coagh
Henderson Edward, Coagh
M'Bride Paul, Moneymore
M'Clean Thomas, Coagh
M'Guckian John, Moneymore
Moore Charles, Moneymore

Agnew Thomas, Moneymore
Galway James, Coagh
Galway John, Moneymore

Dunseith John, Moneymore
Wilson Archibald, Moneymore

Boyle William, Moneymore
Story Duncan, Coagh

Costello Robert, Coagh
Stafford Jane, Moneymore

Donnelly Daniel, Cove lodge, Coagh
M'Guckin Benjamin (and yarn), Drumany

Duff Thomas, Coagh

Akin James, Coagh
Alexander James, Coagh
Bell Edmund, Coagh
Boyle James, Moneymore
Campbell Margaret, Moneymore
Cowan Robert, Coagh
Hamilton Thomas, Coagh
Harbison William, Moneymore
Londen Francis, Moneymore
M'Bride Paul, Moneymore
Magee Arthur, Moneymore
Magee Daniel, Moneymore
Pattleton Richard, Moneymore
Richey David, Moneymore
Richey Samuel, Moneymore
Scott John (and importer of seeds, Moneymore
Simpson John, Moneymore
Sloss James, Coagh
Stafford Jane, Moneymore

(see also Woollen Drapers.)
Boyle James, Moneymore
Valdwell Robert, Moneymore
Campbell Margaret, Moneymore
Sampson Jane, Coagh
Smyth Eliza, Moneymore

Simpson John, Moneymore
Sloss James Coagh

(see also Spirit and Porter Dealers.)
Conyngham Arms, Walter Duff, Coagh
Drapers' Arms, (and livery stables and posting House.), Robert M'Corry, Moneymore

Scott John, Moneymore

Akin James, Coagh
Alexander James, Coagh
Cowan Robert, Coagh
Richey David, Moneymore
Richey Samuel, Moneymore
Simpson John, Moneymore
Sloss James, Coagh

Donnelly Daniel (and flax and linen merchant) Cove lodge, Coagh
Downing William, Coagh
M'Guckin Benjamin, Drumany
Mellon Owen, Derrychrin
Richey James, Rockspring
Sloan Thomas, Ballydawley, Coagh
Treanor Christopher, Sessia

Blair Bryce, M.D., Moneymore
Burke George M.D., Coagh
M'Geagh William, Moneymore
Maxwell Zechariah, Moneymore
Otterson Michael, Moneymore
Patchell John, R.N., Burbouy
Sampson Joseph, Coagh
Sloane George, Moneymore
Thompson David, Moneymore

Brown Hamilton, Moneymore
Magee Hugh, Coagh

Bigger David, Coagh
Devlin John, Killygonlan
Dunlop John, Moneymore
Ferguson William, Coagh
George William, Coagh
Harbison William, Moneymore
Howard William John, Coagh
Hunter James, Moneymore
Londen, Francis, Moneymore
M'Entire William, Coagh
M'Iver Joseph, Moneymore
M'Kean Alexander, Moneymore
M'Kean John G., Moneymore
Mewhan James, Moneymore
Quin John, Ballymurphy
Robson John, Moneymore

Dunseith James, Moneymore
M'Dade John, Coagh
M'Donnell Alexander, Moneymore

Scott John, Moneymore

Devlin Felix, Joy vale, Coagh
Thompson John, Coagh
Thompson William, Moneymore

Caldwell Robert, Moneymore
Gibson Joseph, Coagh
Scott John, Moneymore

Miscellaneous.- All in Moneymore.
Agnew Alexander, painter and glazier
Diver Joseph, clerk to Captain Miller and petty sessions
Ferguson Alexander, saddler and harness maker
M'Elhannon James, cooper
M'Farland Andrew, land surveyor
Miles Robt. Assistant to county surveyor
Miller Rowley, agent to the Alliance Fire and Life Insurance Company
Sterrett Margaret, dress maker
Underwood Waiter, forester to the Drapers' Company

And their Ministers.
Parish Church, Moneymore--The Hon. And Rev. John P. Hewitt,
Rector; Rev. George Morgan, curate.
Roman Catholic Chapel, Moneymore--Rev. Charles O'Brien,
parish priest; Rev. Thomas Macool, curate.
Presbyterian Meeting House, Moneymore--Rev. John Barnett, D.D.minister.
Presbyterian Meeting House, Moneymore -- Rev. Robt. Synclair, Minister.
Presbyterian Meeting House, Coagh --Rev. Robert Holmes, minister.
Primitive Methodist Chapel--ministers various.

Constabulary Station, Moneymore
Scott Lindsay, constable

Stamp Office
John Scott, distributer.

To COLERAINE, a Mail Caravan (from Dungannon), every morning at nine; goes through Magherafelt, Tubbermore, Maghera, &c.
To DUNGANNON, a Mail Caravan (from Coleraine), every afternoon at Twenty minutes past three; goes thro' Cookstown and Stewartstown.