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Under the Act 6 & 7 Wm. IV., c. 116 and 7 Wm. IV., c.2
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PRESENTMENT SESSIONS previous to Lent Assizes, 1843, under 6 and 7 Wm. IV, chap. 116 and 7 Wm. chap. 2 will be held at the following times and places, viz.: –
At CLOGHER, for the Barony of Clogher on MONDAY, the 19th day of DECEMBER, 1842, between the hours of Eleven o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Joseph TRIMBLE, Esq., Grange
2. Thomas SIMPSON, Esq., Bloomhill
3. Mr. James SHERRARD, Fintona
4. Mr. Archibald JOHNSTON, Donaghmayne
5. Mr. James ANDERSON, Derrybard
6. Mr. Robert LENDRUM, Cullinane
7. Mr. George FITZGIBBON, Knockonny
8. Mr. James G. SIMPSON, Mullaghtinny
9. Andrew MILLER, Esq, .Daisy-hill
10 Mr. John CALDWELL, Augher
11. James McLANAHAN, Esq., Waring bank
12. Mr. Robert HALL, Fivemiletown
At AUGHNACLOY, for the Lower Barony of Dungannon on TUESDAY, the 20th day of DECEMBER, 1842, between the hours of Eleven o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Mr. Robert BARNES, Curlough
2. Mr. William CAMPBELL, Guiness
3. Mr. James DARLINGTON Mullinavea
4. Mr. Andrew McFARLAND, Armaloughey
5. Mr. Peter HAMILL, Tullyvannon
6. Mr. William HARDY, Eskera
7. Mr. James SIMPSON, Aughnacloy
8. Mr. John MOFFIT, Derginagh
9. Mr. Hugh REED, Clintyclevin
10. Mr. John WILSON, Bockets
11. Mr. David BEATTY, Mulnahunch
12. Mr. John McALPIN, Corderry
At DUNGANNON, for the Middle Barony of Dungannon on WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of DECEMBER, 1842, between the hours of Eleven o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Edward EVANS, Esq., Dungannon
2. John FALLS, Esq.. Dungannon
3. Richard LLOYD, Esq., Tamnamore
4. Mr William BROWN, Killymaddy Evans
5. James SCOTT, Esq., Bloomhill
6. Mr. James DOUGLASS, Stoughan
7. Mr. Charles WOODS, Moygashel
8. Mr. Robert KNOX, Shanmoy
9. James KING, Esq., Roughan
10. Mr. John WEIR, Parker’s Farm
11. Mr. James McNIECE, Mulnagore
12. Mr. Abraham HAZLETON, Tumpher
At COOKSTOWN, for the Upper Barony of Dungannon on FRIDAY, the 23rd day of DECEMBER, 1842, between the hours of Eleven o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Mr. Edward McCREA, Donaghrisk
2. Mr. James STINTON, Colreaghs
3. Mr. James GUNNING, Wellbrook
4. Mr. Charles QUIN, Moneyhaw
5. Mr. John SLOAN, Tullyweary
6. Mr. William MEGAW, Eary Upper
7. Mr. Nelson BROWN, Killycolpy
8. Mr. John COWAN, Urble
9. Mr. Robert GLASGOW, Cookstown
10. Mr. Bartly LOUGHRAN, Kinnigillan
11. John K. TENER, Esq., Moree
12. Mr. James McINTIRE, Eary Upper
At GORTIN, for the Upper Half-Barony of Strabane on MONDAY, the 26th day of DECEMBER, 1842, between the hours of Eleven o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Alexander McCAUSLAND, Esq., Drumnakilly
2. Mr. John BUCHANAN, Bunnynubber
3. George BUCHANAN, Esq., Lisnamallard
4. Mr. Oliver McCONNELL, Tattynure
5. Mr. John McFARLAND, Crosh
6. Mr Andrew McFARLAND, Fecarry
7. Mr. James McFARLAND, Drumlea
8. Mr. John HUNTER, Droit
9. Mr. Patrick McANULTY, Aughaboy
10. Mr. John O’NEILL, Aughnamullagh
11. Mr. Andrew CAMPBELL, Letterbratt
12. Mr. Joseph BALLANTINE, Loughendohussy
At STRABANE, for the Lower Half-Barony of STRABANE on WEDNESDAY, the 28th day of DECEMBER, 1842, between the hours of Eleven o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Mr. John HEMPHILL, Listymore
2. Mr. Robert ANDERSON, Killydart
3. Mr. John SMITH, Milltown
4. Mr Robert STEWART, Altrest
5. Mr. Francis O’NEILL, Gloudstown
6. Mr. Robert ALEXANDER, Sandville
7. Mr. William STEVENSON, Strabane
8. Mr. Galbraith LOWTHER, Cavanalee
9. Mr. Robert BOAK, Ballylaw
10. Mr Samuel McCREA, Farmhill
11. Mr. Moses SPROULE, Inchaney
12. Captain R. PORTER, Carricklee
At CASTLEDERG, for the Barony of WEST OMAGH on FRIDAY, the 30th day of DECEMBER, 1842, between the hours of Eleven o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Mr. William ADAMS, Goland
2. Mr. John BARCLAY, Ardarver
3. Mr. Charles CALDWELL, Maghernageeragh
4. Mr. Audley CALDWELL, Drumowen
5. Mr. Charles CALDWELL, Drumrawn
6. Mr. William HARPER, Lackagh
7. Mr. William IRVINE, Bomacatall
8. Mr. William LEITCH, Carncorn
9. Mr. John MATHEWSON, Clare
10. Mr. Robert SPROULE, Kirlish
11. Mr. James TURNER, Drumnaforbe
12. Mr. John JOHNSTON, Killowen
At OMAGH, for the Lower Barony of EAST OMAGH and County at Large on MONDAY, the 2nd day of JANUARY, 1843, between the hours of Ten o’clock in the morning and Six o’clock in the Evening, before the Magistrates then and there to assemble, and a number not exceeding six, of the following highest Cess-payers of said Barony, to be then and there selected by ballot, and appointed pursuant to the provisions of said Act, viz.: -
1. Mr. James SPROULE, Grannon
2. Francis CRAWFORD, Esq., Barnagh
3. Mr. Richard GRAHAM, Rahawney
4. Mr. Andrew ROGERS, Cavanaca
5. Mr. William OSBORNE, Mullaghmore
6. Mr. Robert ARMSTRONG, Trillick
7. Mr. Samuel JOHNSTON, Tyrooney
8. Mr. James BUCHANAN, Deroran
9. Mr. Wilkin IRVINE, Feglish
10. James GREER, Jun., Esq., Omagh
11. Mr. Alexander McFARLAND, Cooley
12. Mr. David WILEY, Raw
All persons willing to contract for public works are aware that Printed Sheets of all Applications for Presentments must be published previous to the Presentment Sessions to be heard in each Barony, the Secretary requests that they will forward their Applications on or before the 1st day of DECEMBER, 1842. FRIDAY , the 8th day of DECEMBER, 1842, will be the last day for receiving Applications, and Contractors will observe that Applications for Payment must be lodged with the Secretary ten days at least before the first meeting of the Magistrates at Presentment Sessions, and unless such Applications are correctly endorsed with the No on the Warrant, and the Assizes at which the Presentment for Payment was made, their Applications cannot be laid before the Magistrates.
ALEXANDER AUCHINLECK, Secretary to the Grand Jury, County Tyrone