Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Cumber & Banagher Farming Society, Co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland

Extracted from the Londonderry Sentinel
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



Londonderry Sentinel February 27 1841

The annual ploughing match of this society was held on Thursday the 18th instant in a field of Mr. James Miller’s, Binn, who entertained the ploughmen and farmers with a substantial luncheon. There was a large assemblage of persons who conducted themselves with the greatest decorum. Seventeen ploughs started, and we remarked the excellence of the harness and the creditable manner in which the work was performed.

In the evening, the Society dined at Mr. McSparron’s of Claudy, who, as usual, gave then an excellent dinner.

The President, A. Sampson, Esq., was in the chair; Mr. James Craig acted as croupier. On the right of the chair was John B. Beresford, Esq., and on the left the judges – Mr. William Cather, Mr. Samuel Craig, and Mr. James Craig, of Kilnappy………the list of premiums was read, and awarded as follows: -

1 John B. Beresford, Esq.
2 Mr. H. Thompson
3 Mr. D. Miller
4 Rev. F. Brownlow
5 Mr. Wm. Dunn
6 Mr. Wm. Brown
7 John H. Brown, Esq.
8 Mr. Thos. Mullin
9 Mr. D. Thompson
10 Mr. S. Ferguson
11 Mr. J. Barr
12 Mr. A. Noble
13 Mr. R. Craig



Londonderry Sentinel March 11 1843

The Annual Ploughing Match of this Society was held on Tuesday the 28th February, in the demesne of John H. Brown, Esq., Cumber-house. The day was fine, and a great number of persons attended to witness the proceedings of the day. At twelve o’clock, sixteen well-appointed ploughs started, and finished their work in due time. A number of the farmers and ploughmen partook of an excellent lunch, furnished by Mr. Brown.

In the evening, the members of the Society dined together at the Claudy hotel, Mr. Wm. L. Brown, Esq., in the chair. Mr. Robert Ogilby, of Dungiven, Mr. Sampson, of Drummond, Mr. R. Ross, of Banagher, and forty respectable farmers were present. After the usual toasts, the Judges, Messrs. Wm. Cather, Samuel Craig, and James Craig, delivered in the list of premiums as follows: -

No. Prizewinners Addresses
1 Rev. Francis Brownlow, silver cup and medal Alla
2 John H. Brown, Esq Cumber-house
3 Mr. James Canning Ervey
4 Mr. Wm. Brown Tamnimore
5 Mr. Wm. Dunn Ardground
6 Mr. David Miller Cool
7 John B. Beresford Learmount
8 Mr. Thomas McCandless Cumber
9 Mr. David Thompson Aughtagh
10 Mr. Henry Thompson Aughtagh
11 Mr. John Thompson Gosheden
12 Mr. Samuel Ferguson Mantua



Londonderry Journal, February 25 1845

The annual ploughing match of this society took place on Thursday last, in a field belonging to Mr. William Brown, Tanmamore. At 12 o’clock, twenty-two well-appointed ploughs mustered for the contest, and placed in his respective lot of ground, each entered on the first furrow in fine spirits, turning over the grass sod like workmen practised in their art. The weather was remarkable fine, and on no former occasion did we observe a greater concourse of spectators, who, not to speak of the criticising remarks of the farmer, and of the blithe, bonnie faces of the fairer sex, added interest to the day’s operations. Altogether the field presented an animated scene, and appeared to much advantage when viewed from the Derry road, above the entrance to Oaks Lodge. The ploughing was excellent, and harmony and regulatory characterised the entire proceedings. We cannot leave the field without noticing the kindness and hospitality of Mr. Brown, whose table groaned under a substantial lunch, to which ample justice was done by his numerous visitors.

Shortly after six o’clock, the members of the Society and their friends, to the number of forty, sat down to a very excellent dinner in Mr. McDonagh’s Inn, Claudy: Arthur Sampson, Walworth, Esq. in the chair, supported on the right by William L. Brown, Esq., Cumber House, Esq., and on his left by Samuel Lawrence Cox, Esq., of the Madras Artillery. Mr. James Craig, the treasurer of the society, and Mr. James Canning, acted as croupiers.

The Chairman having called on the Secretary to read the decision of the Judges, Mr. Craig read the following list of the successful competitors:-

1 The silver and medal of the society, to Mr. James Canning
2 Mr. John Thompson
3 Mr. David Thompson
4 Mr. Jas. Dunn
5 Mr. Alex. Miller
6 Mr. Henry Thompson
7 Mr. George Stevenson
8 J. B. Beresford, Esq.
9 Mr. Thos. Mullen
10 Mr. Samuel Ferguson
11 Mr. David Miller
12 Mr. Robert Campbell



Londonderry Sentinel, November 5 1847

This Society awarded its 1 st Prize for reclaimed land to Mr. Samuel Ferguson and for gates (iron with unplastered piers) to Mr. George Craig, these being the only competitors.

Turnips: - On account of the great number of those anxious to compete for the Society’s premiums for turnips , the Judges – Messrs. David Willis, Thomas Mullin, and Mr. James Miller, were occupied for two entire days in reviewing the turnip crops. The successful candidates were:

1 Mr. James Canning
2 Mr. Thomas McCandless
3 Mr. Samuel Ferguson
4 Mr. Huston Limrock
5 Mr. William Brown
6 Mr Alexander Miller
7 Mr. David Miller
8 Mr. Wm. Marshall
9 Mr. Patrick McDonagh
10 Mr. Wm. Handcock
11 Mr. Thomas Dunne



Londonderry Journal February 21 1849

The ploughing match of the Cumber and Banagher Farming Society was held yesterday in a field of Mr. James Craig’s of Ballymaclanaghan. At about one o’clock 14 well appointed ploughs started for the several prizes, and performed their work in a masterly manner, showing with each revolution of the year agricultural in visibly progressing.

At 7 o’clock about 40 members and friends of the Society sat down to dinner in Mr. McDonagh’s Hotel, Claudy: Wm. Ogilby, Esq., of Kilcatten, in the chair supported on his right by W. L. Brown, Esq., Cumber House, Rev. R. L. Rogers, Banagher & c. ; and on his left by J. B. Beresford, Esq., and Arthur Simpson, Esq., & c.

The award of the judges was read for the different competitors: -


No. Prizewinners Addresses
1 Mr. David Thompson  
2 Mr. Robert Campbell  
3 Mr. Andrew Lyle  
4 Mr. William Brown  
5 Mr. John Thompson  
6 Mr. Samuel Ferguson  
7 Mr. David Miller  
8 Mr. James F. Lamrock  
9 Mr. Alexander Miller  
10 Wm. Brown, Esq. Cumber
11 Rev. L. Rogers  
12 Mr. Marshal Eakin  
13 Mr. John Quigley  
14 Mr. Thomas McCandless  



Londonderry Sentinel, November 2 1860

The show of turnips of the above society took place during the week, and the judges, Messrs. Henry James Eakin, David Quigley, and George McLoughlin, awarded as follows:

No. Prizewinners Addresses
1 James Dunn Ardground
2 Marshal Eakin Letterlougher
3 James Canning Ervey
4 Thomas McCandles Cumber
5 William Marshall Tamneymore
6 James Tom Killycor
7 John Irwin Craig
8 Henry Thompson Aughtaugh
9 Robert Sherrard Kincul