Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Clogherny Parish, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland in 1837
Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of Ireland

Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

CLOGHERNY, or CLOUGHENRY, a parish, in the barony of OMAGH, county of TYRONE, and province of ULSTER, 6 miles (S. E.) from Omagh; containing 6,785 inhabitants. This parish, anciently Donaghaneigh, is situated on the road from Dungannon to Omagh, and contains, according to the Ordnance survey, 17,791½ statute acres (including a detached portion of 2368½ acres), about 8,000 of which are arable, mostly under a good system of cultivation. There is a market at Beregh (sic) on Wednesday, and a fair on the first Monday in every month; and fairs are also held at Seskinore, on the second Monday in every month, for live stock. The principal seats are Gortmore, the residence of J. Galbraith, Esq.; Mullaghmore, of R. Burges, Esq.; Seskinore, of Mrs. Perry; and Somerset, of the Rev. J. Lowry. The living is a rectory, in the diocese of Armagh, and in the patronage of the Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, who purchased the advowson in 1830: the tithes amount to £692. The church is a large and handsome edifice, built about 1746, and enlarged and much improved in 1773. The glebe-house was built in 1774, about which time the parish was disunited from Termon: it is large and handsome, and is on a glebe of 154 acres; there is also a glebe at Upper Clogherny, comprising 422 acres, and another called Mullaghollin, in the parish of Termon, comprising 508 acres, making a total of 1,084 acres of arable land, besides about 850 acres of mountain and bog. The R. C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church, and is called Beregh; there are chapels at Beregh, Liskmore, and Brackey. At Dervethroy is a meeting-house for Presbyterians in connection with the Synod of Ulster, of the third class; and at Seskinore is one in connection with the Associate Synod. The parochial school, situated near the church, is a large and handsome edifice, built by the inhabitants, at a cost of £800, and is supported by the rector; and there are 11 other schools in the parish, also four Sunday schools. About a mile from the church are the ruins of the old church of Donaghaneigh, in a large townland, which is extra-parochial, and belongs to the Bishop of Clogher.