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Carnteel Parish Church (St. James' Church of Ireland), Aughnacloy, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Marriages 1845-50
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
This file of MARRIAGES 1845-50 RECORDED IN THE REGISTERS OF CARNTEEL PARISH CHURCH, AUGHNACLOY,COUNTY TYRONE forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIESTYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to CARNTEEL PARISH and MARRIAGES IN COUNTY TYRONE on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
Carnteel Parish Church, St. James’ Church of Ireland, Moore Street, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone
May 14 1845
James Walker 21 years bachelor labourer Aughnacloy. Father: John Walker farmer
Margaret Seymour 21 years spinster Aughnacloy. Father: Harper Seymour farmer
Witnesses: William Crawford & Matthew Hall
Jun 25 1845
William Jameson 22 years bachelor tailor Aughnacloy. Father: Robert Jameson tailor
Anne Singleton 20 years spinster Kellifarran, Errigle. Father: William Singleton farmer
Witnesses: James Mullan & William Singleton
Jul 31 1845
John Hall full age bachelor farmer Curlagh, Parish of Caledon. Father: John Hall farmer & publican
Anne White 20 years spinster farmer Aughnasallagh, Parish of Aghaloo. Father: George White farmer
Witnesses: John Anderson & Robert White
Aug 1 1845
John Thompson full age bachelor farmer Annaghbeg, Parish of Carnteel. Father: John Thompson farmer
Jane McNeill full age spinster farmer Mullyroddan, Parish of Killishil. Father: Robert McNeill farmer
Witnesses: ……? McNeill & John Reid
Aug 22 1845
David Montgomery 19 years bachelor baker Townland of Carnteel, Parish of Carnteel. Father: GeorgeMontgomery Royal marines
Mary Anne McKee 19 years spinster farmer Cranslough, Parish of Carnteel. Father: William McKee farmer
Witnesses: David Johnston & James Smith
Sep 4 1845
John McWilliams full age bachelor farmer Carnteel, Parish of Carnteel. Father: John McWilliams farmer
Margaret Clarke full age spinster Aughnacloy, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Joseph Clarke farmer
Witnesses: William Best & Adam McCarogher
Oct 21 1845
Bartholomew Handcock full age bachelor Enniscorthy. Father: no details given
Margaret Prior full age spinster servant Aughnacloy. Father: no details given
Witnesses: Henry Hirst & Benjamin Beatty
Oct 24 1845
Thomas McCormick full age bachelor labourer Aughnacloy. Father: Edward McCormick mail coach guard
Isabella Sloane 18 years spinster dressmaker. Father: Tully, Parish of Aghaloo. Father: William Sloane pensioner
Witnesses: Andrew McKane & Benjamin Beatty
Oct 27 1845
Manly Dudden full age bachelor farmer Laravale, Parish of Clogherney. Father: Jacob Dudden Captain in H.M. 32nd Regt.
Susan Beggs full age spinster Aughnacloy, Parish of Carnteel. Father: John Beggs merchant
Witnesses: Thomas W. Sproulle & James Beggs
Oct 27 1845
John Snipe full age widower farmer Drumaslaggy, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Archibald Snipe farmer
Bridget Kelly full age spinster servant Drumaslaggy, Parish of Carnteel. Father: William Kelly farmer
Witnesses: Robert Rea & John Rea
Nov 14 1845
Joseph Robinson full age bachelor farmer Ballybray, Parish of Donaghmore. Father: John Robinson farmer
Anne Jane Wright 18 years spinster Aughnacloy. Father: John Wright merchant
Witnesses: Charles Robinson & John Wright
Dec 19 1845
Richard McMahon full age bachelor farmer Derrynabaan, Parish of Carnteel. Father: ArthurMcMahon farmer
Sarah McWilliams minor spinster Killens, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Charles McWilliams farmer
Witnesses: Arthur McMahon & John Williams
Jan 2 1846
John Clarke full age spinster farmer Killyneery, Parish of Carnteel. Father: William Clarke farmer
Sarah Moore full age spinster Killyneery, Parish of Carnteel. Father: John Moore farmer
Witnesses: John Moore & James Bailey
Jan 8 1846
William Smart full age widower farmer Emyvale, Parish of Donagh, Co. of Monaghan. Father: JamesSmart (deceased) farmer
Mary Ferguson full age spinster Derrycreevy, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Samuel Ferguson (deceased) farmer
Witnesses: Samuel Ferguson & James Wright
Feb 6 1846
Charles Neill minor bachelor blacksmith Aughnacloy. Father: John Neill weaver
Jane Stockdale minor spinster Drumbreskin, Parish of Errigle Treugh, Co. of Monaghan. Father: Thomas Stockdale farmer
Witnesses: James Beatty & Richard Scott
Feb 20 1846
Adam Scott full age bachelor labourer Glendavah, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Robert Scott farmer
Mary Potter full age spinster Curlough, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Robert Potter farmer
Witnesses: Daniel Bailey & Samuel Hall
Feb 27 1846
Richard Stockdale full age bachelor farmer Drumbaskin, Parish of Errigle Trough, Co. of Monaghan. Father: Thomas Stockdale (deceased) farmer
Anne Stockdale (signed Stockdil) 19 years spinster Ralaghey, Parish of Brantry. Father: George Stockdale farmer
Witnesses: George Stockdale & Richard Scott
Mar 6 1846
William Blair full age bachelor farmer Castletown, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Moses Blair (deceased) weaver
Catherine Wilkinson full age spinster Castletown, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Thomas Wilkinson farmer
Witnesses: William Wilson & Alexander Wilkinson
Mar 20 1846
Thomas Lindsay full age bachelor farmer Slatmore, Parish of Clogher. Father: James Lindsay farmer
Sarah Wright minor spinster Skey, Parish of Carnteel. Father: James Wright farmer
Witnesses: James Wright & William Irwin
Apr 16 1846
James Moore full age widower weaver Carricklongfield, Parish of Aghaloo. Father: William Moore (deceased) wheelwright
Ellen Esther Moore full age widow Mullaghneese, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Stephen Herbert (deceased) gardener
Witnesses: John Wilson & Robert Geroggy
Apr 20 1846
James McVeagh full age bachelor farmer Cavankilgreen, Parish of Carnteel. Father: John McVeagh (deceased) farmer
Ellen Lappan full age spinster Cavankilgreen, Parish of Carnteel. Father: James Lappan labourer
Witnesses: John Downs & Joseph McAlpin
Apr 30 1846
Robert Robinson full age bachelor farmer Killybracken, Parish of Clonfeacle. Father: James Robinson farmer
Sarah McWilliams full age spinster Carnteel. Father: John McWilliams (deceased) farmer
Witnesses: Robert Henry & Bartly Robinson
May 8 1846
Thomas McCluskey full age widower tailor Aughnacloy. Father: John McCloskey (deceased) farmer
Mary Anne Cammock minor spinster Grange, Parish of Errigle Treugh. Father: John Cammock farmer
Witnesses: Samuel A. Graham & James S. McFee
May 19 1846
Robert Wilkinson full age bachelor farmer The Bawn, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Thomas Wilkinson farmer
Margaret Wilson minor spinster Dernaborey, Parish of Carnteel. Father: John Wilson farmer
Witnesses: William Wilson & Alexander Wilkinson
May 30 1846
James Henderson full age bachelor labourer Mullaghbane, Parish of Aghaloo. Father: RobertHenderson (deceased) labourer
Catherine Hendrie full age spinster servant Carnteel, Parish of Carnteel. Father: James Hendrie labourer
Witnesses: George Graham & John McWilliams
May 22 1846
Thomas Burrows full age bachelor shoemaker Aughnacloy. Father: Stephen Burrows weaver
Ellen Elliott minor spinster Mullaghneese. Father: Thomas Elliott labourer
Witnesses: John Dickson & Joseph Elliott
Sep 3 1846
William Johnston full age bachelor labourer Lisgenny, Parish of Carnteel. Father: James Johnston farmer
Ellen Henderson full age spinster Plaister, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Alexander Henderson (deceased) farmer
Witnesses: James Johnston & William Duff
Oct 2 1846
Richard Marshall 20 years bachelor labourer Shanalurg, Parish of Carnteel. Father: William Marshall weaver
Margaret Foster 20 years spinster Glencull, Parish of Killeeshill. Father: John Foster farmer
Witnesses: Henry Potter & John Hayes
Jan 28 1847
Thomas McMahon full age bachelor farmer Ballymacowan, Parish of Armagh. Father: WilliamMcMahon famer
Isabella McWilliams full age spinster Carnteel, Parish of Carnteel. Father: John McWilliams farmer
Witnesses: John McMahon & James McMahon
Feb 17 1847
William Foster full age bachelor cabinetmaker Glencull, Parish of Killeshill. Father: John Foster farmer
Maria McKeon full age spinster Shanalurg, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Samuel McKeon farmer
Witnesses: Robert McMahon & Alexander Potter
Mar 5 1847
James McMahon full age bachelor labourer Mulnahorn, Parish of Aghaloo. Father: RichardMcMahon farmer
Catherine Taggart? Collins full age widow Aughnacloy. Father: Hugh Collins farmer
Witnesses: Robert Beatty & John Hayes
Mar 12 1847
Thomas McCreery full age bachelor farmer Mulnahorn, Parish of Aghaloo. Father: Robert McCreery (deceased) farmer
Matilda Armstrong full age spinster Mulnahorn, Aghaloo. Father: William Armstrong farmer
Witnesses: James Erskine & William Armstrong
Apr 15 1847
James Campbell full age widower farmer Aughnasallagh, Aghaloo. Father: James Campbell (deceased) farmer
Eliza Henderson full age spinster Glack, Carnteel. Father: Thomas Henderson farmer
Witnesses: Thomas Henderson & John Hamilton
Apr 29 1847
David McCracken full age bachelor painter Killyfaddy, Parish of Clogher. Father: John McCracken farmer
Mary Elliott full age spinster Terlugan, Parish of Carnteel. Father: William Elliott farmer
Witnesses: James White & William Cain
May 10 1847
Robert Martin full age bachelor servant Ballygawley. Father: Francis Martin labourer
Margaret McNamara full age spinster servant Ballygawley. Father: Thomas McNamara labourer
Witnesses: Robert McDowell & John Hayes
Jun 2 1847
William Boyland full age bachelor farmer Corderry, Carnteel. Father: John Boyland pensioner Royal Artillery
Margaret Maginn full age spinster servant Drone, Carnteel. Father: John Maginn (deceased) farmer
Witnesses: Stuart Moore & Alexander Given
Aug 6 1847
James Burnet full age spinster farmer Corderry, Carnteel Parish. Father: John Burnett (sic) (deceased) farmer
Rebecca Carson full age spinster Aughnacloy. Father: Isaac Carson (deceased) labourer
Witnesses: James Coote & James McCauslin
Nov 5 1849
John Lamb full age bachelor labourer Fallbrook, Carnteel Parish. Father: Adam Lamb labourer
Anne Beatty minor spinster servant Fallbrook, Carnteel Parish. Father: William Beatty reed-maker
Witnesses: John Boyd & William Graham
Feb 4 1848
James Mitchell full age widower farmer Drummond. Father: James Mitchell farmer
Anne Williamson full age spinster Mulnahorn. Father: John Williamson farmer
Witnesses: John Williamson & Hugh Mc. Mitchell
May 6 1848
William McDaniel full age bachelor farmer Glack, Carnteel. Father: James McDaniel (deceased) farmer
Mary Jane Montgomery full age spinster Fedden, Errigle Keerogue. Father: John Montgomery farmer
Witnesses: Joseph Worthington & George Kirkpatrick
Jul 6 1848
Thomas Henry 21 years bachelor dealer Pomeroy. Father: Henry Henry merchant
Mary McWilliams 16 years spinster Glenchill. Father: George McWilliams gentleman
Witnesses: James McMahin & John McWilliams
Jul 11 1848
David Steenson full age widower labourer Shantavney. Father: William Steenson labourer
Elizabeth Simpson full age widow labourer Tullyvar. Father: George Patten labourer
Witnesses: John Ligget & John Robinson
Sep 4 1848
John Bedmaid Full age widower shoemaker Coothill, Parish of Killeeshil. Father: Charles Bedmaid soldier
Margaret Montgomery under age spinster Rooskey, Parish of Aghaloo. Father: George Montgomery labourer
Witnesses: Robert McCarney & Elizabeth Graham
Nov 30 1848
William Marshall full age bachelor labourer Cavan Kilgreen. Father: Joseph Marshall farmer
Anne Jane Ferguson 19 years spinster Cavan Kilgreen. Father: James Ferguson labourer
Witnesses: James Liggett, Cavan & Martha Liggett, Cavan
Jan 30 1849
Robert Robinson full age bachelor farmer Cortenan, Tynan, Armagh. Father: Richard Robinson farmer
Margaret Reid full age spinster Knockcarney, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Robert Reid farmer
Witnesses: John Hervey? & John Goudy
Jun 2 1849
Edward McMahon full age bachelor labourer Curlagh, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Edward McMahon labourer
Martha Davis full age spinster Lime Park, Parish of Carnteel. Father: Charles Davis farmer
Witnesses: Charles Bastard & Felix Mullen
Jun 20 1849
John Bell full age bachelor labourer Tullyvar. Father: Francis Bell shoemaker
Catherine Mathers full age spinster Aughnacloy. Father: Richard Mathers weaver
Witnesses: Hugh Bell & Henry Magill
Sep 5 1849
John Campbell full age widower farmer Arlurgher. Father: William Campbell weaver
Mary Sterling full age widow Aughnacloy. Father: James Kelly saddler
Witnesses: Patrick Kelly & Thomas Bell
Dec 13 1849
Alexander Henderson full age bachelor Plaister. Father: Alexander Henderson farmer
Mary Henderson full age spinster Glack. Father: Thomas Henderson farmer
Witnesses: Hugh Henderson & William Lett?
Jan 10 1850
William Colhoun full age bachelor labourer Augher. Father: John Colhoun labourer
Eliza Strain full age spinster Killins. Father: John Strain labourer
Witnesses: John Carroll? & Andrew Thompson
Jan 24 1850
Edward Donally full age bachelor labourer Aughnacloy. Father: John Donally farmer
Mary McGee full age spinster Mulnahorn. Father: JamesMcGee farmer
Witnesses: William Donnaly & William Keenan
Feb 2 1850
Thomas Wilson full age bachelor farmer Dernaborey. Father: John Wilson farmer
Margaret Bartley full age spinster Dernaborey. Father: Thomas Bartley farmer
Witnesses: Thomas McWilliams & Adam Potter
Apr 24 1850
John Commins full age minor farmer College Hall, Tynan. Father: Simon Commins farmer
Anne Maria Banks full age spinster Aughnacloy. Father: Christopher Banks Lieutenant of 88 Regt. Hussars
Witnesses: Christopher Banks & Thomas Anketell
May 10 1850
John Colhoun full age bachelor farmer servant Magheracross. Father: Father: John Colhoun farmer
Alice McDowell full age spinster Aughnacloy. Father: Hugh McDowell shoemaker
Witnesses: William Williamson & Francis Little
May 17 1850
Adam Potter Young full age bachelor farmer Dernaborey. Father: Arthur Young farmer
Ellen Caldwell full age spinster Knocknarney. Father: Robert Caldwell farmer
Witnesses: Thomas McWilliams & James Caldwell
Jul 18 1850
George Graham full age bachelor farmer Annaghbeg. Father: John Graham farmer
Sarah McMahon full age spinster Liskinduff. Father: John McMahon farmer
Witnesses: George Graham & James Horner
No entry
No entry
No entry
Aug 8 1850
William Paul full age bachelor servant Cranslough. Father: Samuel Paul labourer
Anne Todd full age spinster servant Cranslough. Father: James Todd labourer
Witnesses: Patrick Rogers & Ellen Mullin
Aug 23 1850
William Armstrong full age bachelor farmer Leney. Father: John Armstrong farmer
Isabella Simonton full age spinster Leney Father: Henry Simonton shopkeeper
Witnesses: John Armstrong & W. Lett?
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