Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
This file of MARRIAGES RECORDED IN BALLYARNETT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, LONDONDERRY, 1848-1870 FROM ANNOUNCEMENTSEXTRACTED FROM THE PRESS forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIESTYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to TEMPLEMORE PARISH and THE CITY OF LONDONDERRY on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
CARGILL & RAMSAY. On the 2nd inst., in the Presbyterian Church of Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. John Cargill, of Lenamore, to Miss Rachel Ramsay, of Sappagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 16 1848
COLHOUN & DYSART. On the 14th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. JamesColhoun, Malin, to Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr. J. Dysart, Gallagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 20 1849
WALLACE & CARGILL. On the 11th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. WilliamWallace, Carnanshanagh, to Miss Isabella Cargill, of Draperstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 7 1849
STEWART & LYNCH. On the 27th ult., by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Ballyarnett, Mr. William Stewart, Ballyarnett, to MissRebecca Lynch, of same Place (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 7 1849
GOURLEY & MCBRIDE. On the 29th ult., by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Ballyarnett, Samuel Gourley, Esq., Milltown, to Mrs.McBride, widow of the late William McBride, Esq., Maghereard (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 12 1850
BELL & CARGELL. On the 4th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Samuel Bell, Trooperstown to Miss Cargell, Garverey (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 7 1851
WILSON & HOUSTON. On the 30th ult., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Robert Wilson, to Miss Isabella Houston, both of Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 7 1851
GRAY & MILLAR. On the 3rd inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Joseph Gray, to Miss Jane Millar, both of Knowhead (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 14 1851
LONG & MURRAY. On the 6th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Henry Long, Ardmore, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. James Murray, Ardmore (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 14 1851
MCAFEE & MONNY. On the 11th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. ThomasMcAfee, Galiagh, to Margaret, daughter of Mr. William Monny, Shantallow (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 12 1852
DONNEL & DUNKIN. On the 4th inst., in the Presbyterian Church Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Andrew Donnel, Deravane, to Miss Mary Anne Dunkin, Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 10 1852
HUEY & SMYTH. On the 2nd inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. JamesHuey, of Sappagh, to Miss Rebecca Smyth, of Eskaheen (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 31 1852
MCFARLAND & GIBSON. On the 28th inst., in the Presbyterian Church , Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Robert McFarland, Esq., Cloon, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late James Gibson, Esq., Fahan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 17 1853
CUNNINGHAM & SHAILS. On the 14th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. SamuelCunningham, to Margaret Shails, both of Bogslee (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 10 1854
CALDWELL & LONG. On the 2nd inst., at the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Denham, D.D., David, youngest son of the late Mr. John Caldwell, of Newtownstewart [Co. Tyrone], to Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. James Long, of Ballymagrorty (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 11 1854
MOORE & DENNY. On the 3rd inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. AndrewMoore, Fahan, to Miss Rachel Denny, Drumacross (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 8 1854
BREDIN & CROCKETT. On the 1st inst., in Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert Ross, Mr. James Bredin, of Boneymane, to Miss Isabella, daughter of Mr. William Crockett, of Drummay (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 7 1855
WATSON & KERR. On the 4th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. William Watson, of Malanaghy, to Martha, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Kerr, Ardmore (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 15 1856
HUNTER & STIRLING. On the 7th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, AlexanderHunter, Esq., merchant, of Newtownlimavady, to Mrs. Stirling, of Springfield, near Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 13 1857
LYNCH & CURREN. On the 6th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. George Lynch, Carnamoyle, to Mrs. Elizabeth Curren, near Ramelton [Co. Donegal] (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 16 1858
DEAN & THOMPSON. On the 9th inst., in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. Allen Dean, of Drumacross, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Moses Thompson, of Drumskellin (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 23 1858
HUGHES & KEYS. On the 15th inst., in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. James Hughes, Drumskellen, to Miss Mary Anne Keys, of Drumskellen (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 26 1858
PORTER & PORTER. On the 18th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. GeorgePorter, Redcastle, to Fanny, daughter of Mr. Robert Porter, Lenamore (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 23 1860
SHORT & WIER. March 15, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCleery, Mr. Robert Short, Drung, to Miss Essay Anne Wier, of Aught (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 20 1860
LYONS & STARKEY. July 19, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. William McClure, Captain John Lyons, Sydney, New South Wales [Australia], to Sarah, only daughter of William Starkey, Esq., late Supervisor of Excise, Waterside, Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 28 1860
CRAIG & KERR. On the 20th September, in Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Mr. McCreery, Mr. RobertCraig, of Tullyarden, to Rebecca Jane, the only surviving daughter, of Mr. Charles Kerr, of Ballynagard (Londonderry Sentinel)
Nov 28 1862
KINKAID & PORTER. November 25, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. AndrewKinkaid, Dundrain, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Andrew Porter, Elagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 2 1863
KEYS & ANDERSON. December 23, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. John McCreery, Mr. William Keys, of Drumskellan, to Miss Anderson, Coolberry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 24 1863
DONNELSON & CARRUTHERS. March 17, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. John Donnelson, Carrey, to Isabella, second daughter of Mr. Samuel Carruthers, Ballynagard (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 5 1863
PORTER & CUTHBERT. April 30, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Robert Porter, of Lenamore, to Eliza Jane, daughter of Mr. Robert Cuthbert, Culmore (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 15 1863
KERR & AGNEW. May 12, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. David Kerr, Derry, to Anne Jane, daughter of Mr. John Agnew, Gallagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 30 1863
BURGESS & MACK. October 29, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Denham, D.D., assisted by the Rev. James Crawford, John Burgess, Esq., solicitor, Londonderry, to Essie, second daughter of WilliamMack, Esq., Gallagh, Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 18 1864
JOSEPH & MCCLINTICK. March 10, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Robert Joseph, Muff, to Nancy, eldest daughter of Mr. William McClintick, Ballyarnett (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 12 1864
ELDER & CARRUTHER. August 9, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. Samuel Elder, of Donagheady [Co. Tyrone], to Jane Carruther, of Ballyarnett (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 19 1864
BRYCE & WYLIE. August 16, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreary, Mr. James Bryce, of Inch, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. John Wylie, Sappagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 14 1864
MONTGOMERY & BURNS. October 6, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. RobertMontgomery, Steelstown, to Miss Mary Anne Burns, of Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 25 1865
JOSEPH & WYLIE. April 20, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. R. McCartney. Mr. James Joseph, Muff, to Miss Mary Wylie, Lisnagraw (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 23 1865
CARRUTHERS & HUTTON. May 18, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. William Carruthers, to Miss Mary Hutton, both of Ballyarnett (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 26 1865
NORRIS & BURNS. May 25, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. William Norris, to MissMatilda Burns, both of Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 26 1865
DALE & LOVE. May 25, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. James Denham, D.D., Mr. William Dale, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Love, both of Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 27 1865
MEARNS & BURNSIDE. June 22, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Dr. Denham, Mr. Tristrim Mearns, of Ballenree, Aghadowey, to Margaret, second daughter of Mr. John Burnside, Knockbracken, Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 18 1865
MCVICKER & HOUSTON. July 13, at the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. Thomas McVicker, Troy, to Miss Margaret Houston, Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 8 1865
BELL & CRESWELL. August 31, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. William Bell, Elagh, to Miss Mary Creswell, Troy (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 19 1865
ANDERSON & COOKE. September 14, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. James Anderson, of Drumacross, to Miss Margaret Cooke, of Carnamoyle (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 6 1865
PARKER & GAILEY. October 5, in Ballyarnett Presbyterian Meeting-house, by the Rev. Dr. Denham, Mr. John Parker, to Miss Marianne Gailey(Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 5 1865
MACKEY & MCKANE. November 30, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. JamesMackey, to Miss Rebecca Jane McKane, both of Knowhead (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 27 1865
BELL & DONNELL. December 21, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Robert Bell, Her Majesty's Customs, Londonderry, to Miss Eliza Jane, daughter of Mr. Henry Donnell, of this City (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 23 1866
EWING & MILLER. February 22, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Samuel Irvine, Greenbank, Mr. Isaac Ewing, Crehenan, to Miss Sarah Miller, Burnfoot (Londonderry Sentinel)
Apr 6 1866
KNIGHT & PORTER. March 29, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. John Knight, to Miss Eliza Porter, both of Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 3 1866
GEORGE & BURNSIDE. July 31, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Denham, D.D., Mr. William George, Derryork, Dungiven, to Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. John Burnside, Knockbrack, Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 1 1867
BEATTY & FRIEL. December 25, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. William Beatty, to Miss Margaret Friel, both of Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 1 1867
STEELE & HANNA. December 27, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. John Steele, to Miss Margaret Hanna, both of Three Trees (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 8 1867
BEATTY & DOUGLAS. January 3, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. Thomas Beatty, to Miss Sarah Douglas, both of Ballyratton (Londonderry Sentinel)
Feb 26 1867
NORRY & MCCORKELL. February 21, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. Thomas Norry, Ballymagroarty, to Matilda, daughter of Mr. James McCorkell, Dundrain (Londonderry Sentinel)
May 31 1867
REID & BREDIN. May 28, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. H.P. Charlton, assisted by the Rev. William Scott, Alexander Reid, Esq., Grange, Burt, to Elizabeth, daughter of Ezekiel Bredin, Esq., Coshquin (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jun 7 1867
KELLY & MATTHEWS. June 6, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Professor Witherow, assisted by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. James Kelly, Waterside, to Matilda, second daughter of the late Mr. AndrewMatthews, Fahan (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 10 1867
ANDERSON & LYTLE. On the 5th September, at Ballyarnett Church, by the Rev. Robert Ross, Derry, Mr. S.H. Anderson, Derry, to Mary Edwards, youngest daughter of the late William Lytle, Esq., Rosemount, Maghera (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 20 1867
MCELHINNEY & MILLAR. September 19, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. John McElhinney, of Derryvain, to Miss Anne Millar, of Knowhead (LondonderrySentinel)
Jan 7 1868
THOMPSON & WILEY. January 2, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Denham, D.D., Joseph, second son of Mr. John Thompson, Culmore, to Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Moses Wiley, of Derry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jan 17 1868
BURNS & CATHER. January 14, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Denham, D.D., John Burns, jun., Knockbrack, to Eliza Cather, of Brackfield (Londonderry Sentinel)
Jul 7 1868
DUNCAN & HOUSTON. June 27, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. George Duncan, Londonderry, to Miss Bella Houston, Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 14 1868
MILLS & PATTON. August 11, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. William McClure, Derry, Mr. William Mills, foreman compositor, Sentinel Office, Derry, to Margery, daughter of Mr. Andrew Patton, Caw, near Derry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Aug 21 1868
MCCLEERY & PORTER. August 20, in Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Samuel McCleery, Leckpatrick, Strabane [Co. Tyrone], to Frances, second daughter of Alexander Porter, Esq., Lenamore, Muff, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 8 1868
ALEXANDER & EATON. September 2, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. R. McCreery, Mr. Samuel Alexander, Crehennan, to Miss Elizabeth Eaton, Corberry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 15 1868
MCCLINTOCK & BURNS. September 10, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnet, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. RichardMcClintock, to Miss Catherine Burns, both of Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Sep 22 1868
MCKANE & CARRUTHERS. On the 17th September, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. JamesMcKane, of Knowhead, to Matilda Jane, the daughter of Mr. Samuel Carruthers, of Ballynagard (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 13 1868
WILSON & STEWART. October 9, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Thomas Wilson, Brook Hall, to Miss Jane Anne Stewart, Greenhaw (LondonderrySentinel)
Jan 12 1869
MONTGOMERY & MCCLINTOCK. Jan 7, in the Presbyterian Church, Ballyarnett, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, assisted by the Rev, Samuel Irvine, Greenbank, Mr. Alexander Montgomery, to Miss Matilda McClintock, both of Steelstown (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 26 1869
JAMISON & FERRIS. March 18, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. William Jamison, Creevagh, to Miss Mary Ferris, Rosemount (Londonderry Sentinel)
Mar 26 1869
TEMPLETON & FULTON. March 19, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. Hugh Templeton, to Miss Catherine Fulton, both of Derry (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 1 1870
BARR & STEEN. March 31, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, Londonderry, by the Rev. George Steen, M.A., of Newtownlimavady, uncle to the bride, assisted by the Rev. Robert McCreery, pastorloci, E.T. Barr, Esq., of Liverpool, to Eliza Margaret, youngest daughter of Alexander Steen, Esq., M.D., of this city, late of St. Petersburg. [No cards] (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 9 1870
WALKER & MILLER. March 3, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. John Walker, Crehennen, to Miss Rebecca Miller, of Sheriff’s Mountain (Londonderry Journal)
April 12 1870
MOOREHEAD & HUGHEY. April 5, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. George Moorehead, Newtownlimavady, to Miss Letitia Hughey, Ballyarnett (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 26 1870
CARLINE & FERRIS. April 21, in the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. James Carline, to Miss Rebecca Jane Ferris, both of Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
Oct 1 1870
CARRUTHERS & HENDERSON. Sept. 29, at the Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreery, Mr. James Carruthers, Ballynagard, to Jane Campbell, youngest daughter of Mr. RobertHenderson, Ballynagard (Londonderry Standard)
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