In the Surname Index - G is for the number of times a surname appears on the Griffith's Valuation in that parish and the T is if the surname is on the Tithe Applotment Book for the parish
KILDRESS PARISH, MIDDLE & UPPER DUNGANNON BARONIES, COOKSTOWN PLU, COUNTY TYRONE Griffith's Valuation Year 1860 - Tithe Applotment Book Year 1827NAME GV TA NAME GV TA NAME GV TA Johnston G6 T M'Gee G Perry G Kane G4 T M'Geraghty G5 T Plunkett G Keane G T M'Gervon G Potter G Kearney G M'Gloan G3 T Purvis G T Keenan G4 T M'Govern G2 Quinn G39 T Keilty G20 T M'Gowan G T Rafferty G2 T Kelly G4 M'Gra T Ramsay T Kennedy G3 M'Grady G Rankin G T Kenny G T M'Gucklan G Reddick G Kent G3 T M'Guiggan G2 T Reid G4 T Kerr G M'Guone G Reynolds G T Kinkade T M'Gurke G60 T Rue T Knight G M'Hood G Richardson G2 T Knox G M'Hugh G3 Robinson G Lagan G18 T M'Ilree G T Rogers G Lannan G3 M'Ilwee G T Ross G Lapsley T M'Ivor G Sandes G Lennan T M'Kean G Scott T Lennox G M'Kenna G30 Scullion G Leydon G M'Kenny G T Senechal ? T Little T M'Keon G3 Simonton T Loheran G6 M'Kew T Simpson T Loughran G63 M'Kernan G12 T Shephard T Loy G6 T M'Kittrick G2 T Shuter T Lyons G M'Mahon G Slane G T Lyttle G5 M'Manus G T Slayne G2 T M'Aleer G11 T M'Menamy G2 Smith G2 T M'Alister G4 T M'Mullen G2 Sonagher G M'Allister G3 T M'Quislon T Souter G M'Anally G22 T M'Namee G10 T Steele G2 T M'Anulla T M'Neese T Steene G M'Anuller G3 M'Rory T Steenson T M'Ardle G3 T M'Shane T Stewart G5 T M'Atee G M'Tague T Summerland G M'Avoy T M'Vey G3 T Supple G M'Bride G2 M'Waters G T Sweeny T M'Caffrey G4 M'Williams G Taggart G M'Call T MacKell G2 T Tague T M'Cann G3 T Malaghan T Taylor G3 T M'Canna T Mallon G18 T Thom G M'Carter G T Marshall G2 Thornton G M'Clean G3 T Martin G2 T Thussel T M'Clelland T Mason T Tierney T M'Cluskey G7 T Miller G3 Toner G5 T M'Coard T Moffett G3 T Toombe G4 T M'Connell G T Molloy G2 T Tracy G M'Conway G7 Monaghan G24 T Traner T M'Cormack G3 T Montgomery G Trimbell G T M'Court G Moody G T Trimmer G M'Creggan G2 Mooney G T Turk G M'Creighton G8 T Moore G2 Turkenton G M'Crory G2 T Moorhead G3 T Valelly G T M'Crystal G5 T Moran G Verner G M'Cullagh G5 T Morris G4 T Vincent G M'Dermott G Muldoon T Walker G5 T M'Donald G10 Mulholland G5 Wallace G M'Donnell G14 T Mullin G T Walsh T M'Elderry G T Mullins G18 T Ward G M'Elhatton G14 T Murdagh G Warden T M'Elhone G10 T Murphy G3 T Waters G T M'Elkearney G Murray G2 Watson G3 T M'Elvoge G2 T Neill G4 T Weir G4 T M'Elwain T Neville G White G3 T M'Elwee G3 T Newbury G2 Wiley T M'Erlane T Nobbs G3 Wilkinson G2 M'Farland G2 T Nogher T Wilson G T M'Farlane G T Norris G T Woods G2 T M'Felin T Nugent G16 T Wright G2 M'Flynn G2 O'Brien G3 Yarrow G2 T M'Gaghy G2 T O'Neill G2 T Young T M'Gartland G Parke G2 T