In the Surname Index - G is for the number of times a surname appears on the Griffith's Valuation in that parish and the T is if the surname is on the Tithe Applotment Book for the parishDonaghedy Parish - Part 1 (Aiken - Highland)
DONAGHEDY PARISH, LOWER STRABANE BARONY, STRABANE & GORTIN PLU, COUNTY TYRONE Griffith's Valuation Year 1860 - Tithe Applotment Book Year N/ANAME GV TA NAME GV TA NAME GV TA Aiken G2 Connor G Evans G2 Aikin G Conway G Fair G5 Alexander G14 Conwell G Faulkner G4 Alford G2 Cook G Faussett G Allen G5 Cooke G3 Ferguson G Anderson G2 Cooper G Finlay G Ardbuckle G6 Coulter G Fletcher G Armstrong G2 Cowan G Flanagan G Ashe G Coyle G2 Forbes G2 Bailey G2 Craig G6 Ford G Bailie G2 Crawford G Forsythe G Baird G13 Cullion G Foster G Ball G Cunnea G Friel G Bane G Cunningham G12 Fulton G2 Barr G Curry G2 Fury G2 Bates G3 Daly G4 Galbraith G4 Bayle G Daniel G Gallagher G2 Black G3 Danton G Gallaher G Blee G4 Davis G5 Gamble G11 Bond G Davy G Gardiner G Boyle G6 Day G4 Geoffrey G3 Bradley G Deans G3 Gibson G2 Brannagan G Deery G6 Gilmore G2 Bredan G2 Dempsey G Glen G2 Bresland G Dennison G Glenfield G Brison G Devanny G Glynn G2 Britton G2 Devany G Gordon G5 Brolly G4 Devin G Gorman G Brown G16 Devine G54 Gormley G13 Browne G15 Devlin G5 Gormly G Bryce G Diamod G Graham G3 Buchanan G3 Dillon G Greenwood G Callaghan G4 Dinsmore G2 Griffin G2 Campbell G9 Divin G22 Guthrie G Carland G Dogherty G3 Hagan G Carlen G Doherty G16 Hagarty G3 Carmichael G Donagh G Hall G2 Carolan G4 Donaghy G9 Hamilton G15 Carr G3 Donald G2 Hampton G Cartan G Donehy G Hanna G3 Carton G Donnell G5 Haran G3 Cassidy G Donnelly G Harken G5 Chambers G2 Downey G Harkin G2 Cheeker G Duddy G Harpur G Chisholm G Dunn G Haslett G5 Christie G Dunne G8 Hassan G Christy G Durragh G2 Hasty G Clarke G5 Eaton G Hattrick G Clements G Edgar G3 Henderson G2 Cochrane G Edger G Heney G Coleman G2 Edie G Henry G2 Colgan G Edwards G2 Heron G Colhoun G13 Egan G2 Hewston G2 Colthurst G Elliott G Heylands G Connison G Ellis G7 Highland G
Donaghedy Parish - Part 1 (Aiken - Highland)