Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Hearth Money Roll, Clonoe Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland

Transcribed & Submitted by Rose Cranston

County Tyrone Hearth Money Roll 1670, Poll Book 1660. LDS film #1279356
Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)
1664 Hearth Money Roll T.283/D/2
1666 Hearth Money Roll T.307

Name   Townland Townland2
350. Thos. MORRIS 2, James O'CARRELL, Dermont O'DOWLAN, Shan ODUOHIN, John O'DONALLY, Mountjoy Mountjoy
351.John MORRIS 2 Gortnogle Gortnaglogh
352.Alixander HAMILTON  Clunlevahin Clintycracken(?)
353.Donald O'CORR Aghdremerg Aughrimderg
354.Murtagh McSTRAVOGE, Neill Mc GUGHIAN Bell?y?beg Ballybeg
355,Rory Mc STRAVOGE, James McGILL, Phelemy McRORY-- Cole Coole
356.Owen McRORY, Nice O'TOUNER Lissaclare Lisaclare
357.John McGILL, James DAVISON Killin Killeen
358.Shan O'QUINE Aghagalla Aughagalla
359.Cristor MORRIS, Donnell Mc RORY Killarie Killary
360.Donachy McCAWELL, Patrick CAWELL Shanlus Shanliss
361.John COWAN, WM. McTOWELL, Andrew NEALL Listrean Lisnastrane
362.Andrew DONALDSON Timher Tumpher
363. Teege O'MULLDOUNE, Rory McCARWELL Mulinitnog -----------------
364.Hugh O'NEILL, James McCARWELL Mineagh Meenagh
365.Cormick SHEAN, Cormick O'NEILL Dromurar Drummurrer
366. Owen O'DALLY, Hugh O'NEILL Anaghmor Annaghmore
367.James O'MELLAN Anagher Annagher
368.Neill O'NEILL, Nicholus O'LIVAUGHAN Dernagh Dernagh
369.Conner O'CONRY Maughancany Magheramulkenny(?)
370.Ferragh McCAWELL Claoge Cloghog
371.Owen O'NEELE Derrylaghin Derryloughan
372.Phelemy O'NEELL, Phelemy McSHAN Aughmullan Aughamullan
373.Patrick CORR Bollagitle Ballygittle