Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Dungannon Quarter Sessions, County Tyrone January 1851

Extracted from the Tyrone Constitution, January 17 1851
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


These sessions commenced in Dungannon, on Monday, the 13th instant before MR. RYAN, Q,C., acting assistant barrister. The civil bill business was considerable, there being eight hundred and fifty civil bills and ninety ejectments entered. There were also eighty criminal cases upon the calendar for trial.

INQUEST. – An inquest was held on Tuesday last, before WM. O. ORR, ESQ., coroner, and a respectable jury, on the body of an idiot, aged about twenty-seven, named FRANCIS DALEY, who generally resided in Crockanboy, in the neighbourhood of Mountfield. The body was found dead on the morning of Monday, the 6th instant, in a glen in the townland of Teebane West, about four miles from Mountfield. There were several large wounds on the face and upper part of the head. The deceased was partially paralytic, as well as idiotic from his infancy. The jury returned the following verdict: -“That the deceased, Francis Daley, was found in the bourne in the townland of Teebane West, on the morning of Monday, the 6th inst: this his death was caused by wounds in the front and skull of his head, which fractured his skull; and we are of the opinion that he met with those wounds on the night of Friday, the 3rd instant, but whether from falling accidently into the bourne or from violence otherwise inflicted, we cannot determine.

THE LATE ATTACK ON THE REVENUE POLICE AT MOUNTFIELD. – A man named JOHN McANALLY, of Bunnefreaghan, near Mountfield has been arrested and held to bail for further examination charged as the person who wounded the policeman in the knee during the late attack upon the revenue at Mountfield, as detailed in a former number. McAnally is said to have boasted of the deed to an individual lodging in the house who was acquainted with one of the Mountfield revenue party; and to have pointed to his gun as the weapon from which the shot had been fired. The gun on being examined was found charged with a quantity of large rough shot, evidently of home manufacture, and of a description very likely to cause a wound of that peculiar nature which had been inflicted upon the policeman. We are sorry to say that the wounded man still lies in a very dangerous state in the county Infirmary.