Cookstown, is a flourishing and respectable market town in Co Tyrone, 35 m W. of Belfast, with direct communication by rail with Belfast and Dublin, very pleasantly situated on the Kildress rivulet, and on the great northern road from Armagh. The mansion or castle of Killymoon is a superb edifice, in the Saxon style, built from a design by Nash at a reputed cost of £80,000 ; the executors of the late Henry Moutray, Esq., proprietors. The staple of Cookstown is the linen trade, which many respectable merchants have embarked. There are several flax, corn, and meal mills in the neighbourhood. At Millburn Works, near the town, John Gunning & Son, have a power loom weaving factory for the manufacture of plain linens. diapers and damask,, which contains over 300 looms and when in full operation which gives employment to over 500 people . They have also added a large beetling & finishing concern that is driven by steam power. The Messiers Adair, of Greenvale also have a weaving, spinning, finishing & dyeing establishment. There are several other mills & factories in the neighbourhood which give employment to a large number of hands.
Petty Sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, by the local magistrates. The Town Commissioners meet the 1st Monday of each month at the Town Hall, Molesworth Street. The site of the mansion of Loymount, the property of J. B. Gunning Moore, Esq. J.P. is the finest about the town, It having a view of a large part of Co. Antrim, as well as of the Lough Neagh. The town consists of one street over a mile long & very wide. This street is respectively named in its different parts - Millburn, Oldtown, William, James, Loy, Chapel, Church and Killymoon streets. The town is growing rapidly on the Eastern side, towards the railway station..
The places of worship comprise of the Parish Church of Derryloran, 3 Presbyterian Churches, a Methodist Chapel, and a Roman Catholic Chapel. There are several educational and other charitable institutions - the former comprise National and Ragged Schools supported by public subscription. The market days are Tues. and Sat ; the latter for farming produce, which is bought in abundance, This is one of the largest markets in the North of Ireland - Tues. for grain. Fairs - 1st Sat. of each month. Population in 1871 was 3,653 ; now is considerably over 4,000.
Post Office, Telegraph and Money Order Office, and Savings Bank, James Street - Margaret Patterson, postmistress. Letters arrive from England and South of Ireland at 6.50 a.m. and 12.15 p.m.; from Belfast at 9 a.m. and 5.50 p.m., and from Dungannon at 4 p.m. Letters leave for Dungannon & Dublin at 6.15 a.m. & 8 p.m.; for Belfast, 8.20 & 11.30 a.m & 4 p.m. Mail car for Dungannon at 8 p.m.
Railways (for trains see time tables) - Belfast and Northern Counties Railway Co., Thomas Wallis station master ; Great Northern Railway Co., Henry Alfred Mann station master.
Places of Worship
Church of Ireland, Derryloran - Rev. H. B. Carter, B.D. rector
1st Presbyterian Church, James St - Rev. H. B. Wilson, minister
2nd Presbyterian Church, Loy St - Rev. J. P. Wilson, minister
3rd Presbyterian Church, Molesworth St - Rev. J. K. Leslie, minister
Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Loy St - Rev. William Quailes, minister
Roman Catholic Chapel, Chapel St - Rev. P. J. Byrne, P.P.; Rev. Mr. Kerley, C.C.
Church of Ireland, Ardtread (Ardtrea) - Rev. Wm. E. Meade, D.D.rector
Church of Ireland, Desertcreate - Rev. J. Ritchie rector
Church of Ireland, Kildress - Rev. Isaac Ashe rector
Church of Ireland, Lissan - Rev. G. Yeates rector ; Rev. R. S. Morewood curate
Ballygonney Presbyterian Church - Rev. Robert Wallace, minister
Clogan Presbyterian Church - Rev. Henry McCaw, minister
Orritor Presbyterian Church - Rev. William Wray, minister
Sandholes Presbyterian Church - Rev. J. W. Aiken, minister
Reformed Presbyterian Meetinghouse, Grange - Rev. William Ferguson, minister
Roman Catholic Chapel, Lissan - Rev. Mr. Kelly P.P
Public Institutions, etc.
Belfast Banking Co. (branch), James St - J. G. Donaldson manager George Potter, cashier
Ulster Banking Co. (branch), William St - S. C. Gunning manager W. G. Mateer, cashier
Hibernian Joint Stock Co. (branch), James St - John Raphael manager J. B. Maher accountant
Savings Bank, Molesworth St - Rev. H. B. Wilson actuary
Cookstown Loan Co. (Ltd, Market Yard - Mrs. McCormick manager John Hanna sec.
Cookstown General Credit & Discount Co. Molesworth St - J. W. Fleming manager ; Belfast Banking Co., treasurers
Cookstown Academy, Molesworth St - John Mackenzie M.A., principal
Ladies School, Chapel St - The Miss' Houston principal
National School, Church St - Mr. Hadden teacher
National School, Chapel St - T. Collins teacher
National School, Loy St - Miss Ireland teacher
National School, Coagh St - H. Waide teacher
Cookstown Young Men's Christian & Literary Association - W. A. Gunning Esq. J.P. president ; Wm. J. Hopper & John Glasgow, secretaries. Reading Room, Molesworth St.
Cookstown News Room, Molesworth St - John M. Weir sec.; Wm. Glasgow treasurer
Gas Works - William Stott, manager ; J. W. Fleming secretary
Stamp Office, James St- Joseph Dinsmore distributor
Petty Sessions Clerk - J. W. Fleming
Constabulary Barracks - James H. R. Alliman Smith sub inspector ; Hickey head constable
Union Workhouse - 16th electoral divisions. Lieut. Colonel Lowry chairman , John Hunter clerk & returning officer ; D. J. Hamilton,surgeon , Mr. McCutcheon master & Mrs.McCutcheon matron
Coroner - D. J. Hamilton M.D. James St
Dispensary, James St - H. Graves M.D.medical officer
Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages - H. Graves M.D. Deputy Registrar - T. McClelland
Marriage Registry Office, James St - Joseph Stewart, registrar. James Montgomery deputy registrar
Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Court of Chancery - David Anderson William St.
John Harbinson,William St
Inland Revenue Office - Mr. Moran collector
Town Commissioners - J. Harbinson chairman
Nobility, Gentry, etc.
Adair Mrs. Greenvale
Adair Hugh Glenavon
Brown William Drapersfield
Castlestuart D.L. Right Hon. Earl of, Drum Manor & Stuart Hall
Charles Mrs. James St
Cluff Richard Kildress House
Donaldson J. G. James St
Glasgow William James St
Gunning George Oldtown St
Gunning F. P. Oldtown Street
Gunning W. A., J.P. Firnaskea
Gunning S. C., J.P., William St
Greer F., J.P. Tullylagan
Hassard Robert J.P. Desertcreat
Leeper J., J.P. Wellbrook
Lindsay Captain Loughrey
Lowry Colonel, J.P., D.L. Rochdale
Millar Mrs.,Loy St
Moore J. B. G., J.P. Loymount
Morgan Mrs. James St
Mullalley Inspector of National Schools Loy St
McCormick Mrs. The Cottage
McGeagh J. Oldtown St
Newton Mrs. Oldtown St
Paul Thomas Oldtown St
Raphael John J.P. Loy St
Sinclair Misses Chapel St
Smyth Misses Oldtown St
Smyth ? Church St
Staples Sir Nathaniel Bart Lissan House
Tener G. E., Moree Rock
Clergy, Professional, etc.
Aiken Rev. J. W. Sandholes
Ashe Rev. I. Drumshambo Glebe
Auterson J., M.D. Oldtown St
Byrne Rev. P. J., P.P. James St
Carter Rev. H. B., B.D. Derryloran Glebe
Charles D. H., M.D.,James St
Crosshill R. M.D., William St
Ferguson Rev. William Teivenagh
Graves, H., M.D James St
Hamilton D. J surgeon, James St
Harris, Frederick solicitor office William St residence Stewartstown
Kelly Rev. Mr. P.P. Lissan
Kerley Rev. Mr. C.C.Molesworth St
Leslie Rev. J. K.Molesworth St
Meade Rev. W. E.,D.D. Ardtrea
McCaw Rev. H. Claggan
Quaile Rev. William, James St
Ritchie Rev. J. Ballymully Glebe
Twigg J. B.,solicitor James St
Venables W. J. solicitor Oldtown St
Wallace, Rev. Robert Ballygoney
Wilson Rev. H. B. James St
Wilson Rev. J. P. James St
Wray Rev. William Orritor
Yeates Rev. G. Lissan
Traders, etc
Acheson, J. carpenter Church St
Acheson, R. carpenter & blacksmith Chapel St
Adair Thomas & Sons, bleachers & spinners Greenvale
Adams William, iron monger & hardware merchant William St
Allen, Anna, Imperial Hotel Molesworth St
Allen Edward M., auctioneer & publican, William St
Allen, James Oldtown St
Allen Joseph, cess collector Union St
Anderson David baker, grocer & seed merchant William St
Anderson, George flax & corn miller, Tullywiggan
Anderson Joseph saddler James St
Bell J.railway employee Molesworth St
Ballantine William auctioneer, Loy St
Beattie, J. A. woollen draper, etc., James St
Bell Bros. tailors Millburn St
Bell Miss servants' registry officer Oldtown St
Berry Joseph publican, etc., William St
Black Alexexander butcher, Oldtown St
Black Joseph James St
Black Richard flax miller Corkhill
Black S. J. milliner & dress maker William St
Bole James grocer, William St
Brown S. Temperance Hotel, Molesworth St
Brown John, beetler & dyer
Brown, William jr. Waterside Mills
Bryson Samuel carter Loy St
Burnet James carpenter Union St
Burnet W miner Oldtown St
Burney miner, Loy St
Cameron Wm. railway watchman, Molesworth St
Campbell D. J. woollen draper & merchant tailor William St
Campbell Andrew confectioner, James St
Carlto James boot make, Chapel St
Carnaghan J. clothes dealer, William St
Chambers Jane Killymoon St
Charles Andrew watch maker, William St
Charles J. umbrella mender, Orritor St
Charles R. grocer & leather dealer, William St
Charleton, T. J. grocer William St
Clarke S. watch maker, James St
Coffey P. grocer and publican, James St
Collins Thomas teacher Loy St
Conlon P.saddler Oldtown St
Corr B. grocer and shoe maker, James St
Corr P., saddler William St
Cowan J. grocer and foreman baker Loy St
Cranstown J. shoe maker Oldtown St
Crawford W. S. grocer & publican, Molesworth St
Clendinning Thomas R.I.C. Oldtown St
Charles Mrs. James St
Craig Wm. (of S. E. Weir & Co.) James St
Clyde S. grocer William St
Cunningham William house painter and picture dealer Molesworth St
Davidson E. J. seed merchant & florist William St Nursery, Chapel St
Derby T. & J. woollen drapers etc. Oldtown St
Devlin C. labourer Coagh St
Devlin James grocer wholesale and retail spirit dealer, William St
Devlin P. grocer and spirit dealer Orritor St
Devlin S. grocer, butter, egg and potato dealer Chapel St
Devlon R. A. publica, James St
Dickson A. corn and flax miller Tulnacross
Dinsmore Joseph, grocer James St
Donaghy J. nailer Chapel Street
Donaghy J. grocer and spirit dealer, William St
Donnelly J. pawn office, William St
Donnelly P. & B. woollen drapers, William St
Donnelly P. emigration agent, Jame st
Douras J. Sr. horse shoer, Oldtown St
Douras J. veterinary surgeon, Oldtown St
Dunn Thomas car owner, Oldtown St
Doey Thomas boot and shoe maker, William St
Duncan, A. milliner William St
Dunseith, R. & Co. merchant tailors William St
Early J. grocer, Orritor St
Faulkner J., school teacher, Millburn St
Ferguson Joseph boot & shoe maker William St
Ferguson R. A., spirit dealer Coagh St
Ferguson S. A., grocer, Oldtown St
Ferguson A. boot maker James St
Fleming J. W. lesee of markets Oldtown St
Galway, J. carpenter, Oldtown Street
Gallagher, W. hatter, Waterloo Terrace
Gillin, James China merchant William Street
Gillin, John grocer, Oldtown Street
Gillin, Richard clothes dealer, William Street
Gibson H. grocer, James Street
Glasgow B. grocer, book seller, stationer, seed merchant, William St ;
agent for the Belfast News Letter, Weekly News, Witness and Tyrone Courier
Gunning John & Sons, power loom linen manufacturers, Millburn Factory
Gatens D. vcitualler Molesworth St
Geddes Joseph, Union St
Grey Mrs. Loy St
Graham Mrs., Chapel St
Geoghegan marine store James St
Hamilton Robert, timber merchant & carter Chapel St
Hamilton Henry Chapel Street
Hamilton Robert rural postman James St
Hamilton Joseph rural postman Loy St
Harkley Matthew marine stor, Chapel St
Harvey Frank cooper Church St
Hanna John grocer & draper, Drum Road
Harbison John grocer, baker, seedsman, publican, William St
Harbison John woollen draper etc. William St
Harbison W. J. Commercial Hotel, Oldtown St
Henderson M. & Son, tape manufacturers, Sherrygroom
Henry John dealer Oldtown St
Henry ? shoe maker Orritor St
Henry Bernard flax and potato merchant, Union St
Higgerty Charles green grocer, Millburn St
Higgerty John carter, Oldtown St
Hillick, ?, attorney's clerk, Loy St
Hill, W. carter, Coagh Street
Houston Isaac, grocer & hardware merchant, William Street
Hutchinson William Oldtown Street
Hughes Margaret dress maker Coagh St
Hughes Mrs. boarding house James St
Hopper William J. woollen draper, James St
Hunter John clerk, Chapel St
Ireland Miss school teacher Union St
Irwin Robert James Street
Johnston Wm. earthenware dealer, Orritor St
Johnston Jane green grocer, Oldtown St
Johnston W., grocer, Oldtown St
Johnston W. C. grocer, James St
Jordan Robert, cow dealer, Oldtown St
Johnston, Andrew, baker, Oldtown St
Johnston, John, summons server, Chapel St
Kane, John, carpenter, Chapel St
Kane Barkley, civil bill officer, Oldtown St
Keogh James tailor, Loy St
Kennedy R. shoe maker, Loy St
Kennedy Wm., grocer and shoe maker, Chapel St
Keightley Samuel, boarding house, Oldtown St
Kelly John, Union St
Kelly, Edward, tobacconist, James St
Kidd, W. grocer William St
Kyle James, Oldtown Street
Lawn D. H. manager of Barrow Hematite Steel Company, works, Unagh res., Union St
Lewis James grocer, baker, and victualler, Oldtown and William Streets
Liddle Edward, grocer, hardware, timber & seed merchant, saw mill owner, James St
Lytle Archibald, publican, Oldtown S
Lytle W., grocer and leather dealer, William St
Mackenzie John, M.A., teacher, Loy St
Malone James, publican, Loy St
MacMillan, H. & J., woollen drapers, etc William St
MacMillan James, Loy Street
Mason M., butter, egg and general dealer, Molesworth St
Matson James, grocer and china merchant, William St
Magill William corn miller, Dunmore
Maglone B. butcher, Church St
Malone Peter, grocer, hide merchant, baker and publican, William St
Mallon John, nailer, Loy St
Millar James, lodging house, Orritor St
Miller Samuel, car owner, Oldtown St
Mills Charles, tinsmith, Millburn St
Mills Thomas, tinsmith, Millburn St
Mills William, tinsmith, Orritor St
Mobery Samuel, grocer, Church Street
Molloy Alexander, Gunning Arms Hotel, Molesworth st
Molloy James, publican, James St
Moran Robert, cattle dealer, Chapel St
Money James, blacksmith, Church St
Money P. rate collector, Union St
Montgomery Ulster Coach Factory, Union St
Montgomery ? lodging house, Union St
Moody Robert, Millburn Street
Morgan, William, tailor, James St
Mullan James flax merchant, Stewart Arms Hotel, Molesworth St & James St.
Murray, Thomas, blacksmith, Orritor St
Musgrave, Richard, boarding house, Oldtown St
Moorhead, W. J., publican, Union St
Moffat John, draper's assistant, James St
McAlister Robert, flax and corn miller, Kildress
McAtee P. tailor, Chapel Street
McBride Hugh, car driver, Orritor St
McCann Patrick, bacon curer, Killymoon St
McCannety P. lodgings, Coagh St
McClelland M. J. milliner, William St
McClelland Thomas printer, book seller, &stationer, William st
McCourt Brothers Cookstown Coach Factory, Oldtown st
McCook J. & J. architects, James St
McCook M. milliner, James St
McCord William boot & shoe maker, Church St
McCloughan John fireman, Millburn St
McDowell J. builder & architect, Oldtown St
McElcannon Francis gardener, Magill's Court
McElderry J. grocer & foreman baker, William st
McElhannon James cooper, Oldtown St
McElhannon A. dress maker, Oldtown St
McGeagh Robert Union St
McGready Patrick grocer & baker, Oldtown St
McGuchan P. shoe maker Orritor St
McGurk P. car driver Orritor St
McGurk T. hair dresser & barber Oldtown St
McKay Thomas grocer & seed man Molesworth St
McIntyre James Cottage Coagh St
McKay W. C. grocer, seed & hardware merchant, William St
McKeown James carpenter, Orritor St
McKnight M. J. dress maker, Orritor St
McKeown J. boot &shoe maker, Coagh St
McKennet Thomas carpenter, Millburn St
McKeown Paul shoe maker, Coagh St
McKinney S. & D. grocers & pharmaceutical chemists, Oldtown St
McLoughlin B. & H. coopers Church St
McMaster Richard grocer earthenware & china dealer William St
McNaney W. boot and shoe maker, James St
McSherry Thomas grocer, draper & flax dealer Church St
McCloy John blacksmith Orritor St
McElhatton John grocer & publican Oldtown St
McElhatton, A. grocer Molesworth St
McVeigh J. grocer James St
McNamee P. tailor Oldtown St
Newell J. C. victualler William St
Newberry David butcher Millburn St
Northern Fire and Life Insurance Office - James Troughton, agent
O'Neill John publican, Oldtown St
O'Neill A. stoker Millburn St
O'Neill J. grocer Church St
Perry James labourer Millburn St
Porcas Joseph Killymoon St
Porter W. J. spirit dealer Oldtown St
Porter William drapers' assistant James St
Porter Thomas lamp lighter, etc. Church St
Potter George Loy Street
Quinn Michael, publican, James St
Quinn John, grocer William St
Quinn W. stone mason Loy St
Quinn A. & H. grocers & lodging house keeper Union St
Rankin C. plumber & gas fitter, James St
Rankin William shoe maker, Orritor St
Rickard John woollen draper, James St
Riddell Mary dealer Oldtown St
Rutherford William road contractor Millburn St
Rutherford G grocer Church St
Rutherford William flax miller Derrycromie Riverside Weaving Co.
Stanton John flax miller Dunman
Steele Mrs. boarding house Oldtown Street
Sheppard John grocer and leather dealer, Oldtown St
Smith W. & D. grocers, bakers & seed merchants, William St
Smith Samuel reed maker Millburn St
Smith A. lodgings James St
Stewart J. grocer, baker, & provision dealer, James St
Tague Charles labourer Oldtown St
Taylor Charles, Coagh St
Thomson F. umbrella mender Magill's Court
Treanor J. E. grocer, baker and publican William St
Troughton James clerk Molesworth St
Turkington Samuel grocer & druggist Molesworth St
Tumming John carpenter Oldtown St
Teggart William Union St