The National Library of Australia has kindly given their permission to publish these extracts. The Empire, which was published in Sydney, NSW between 1850 and 1875.
Thursday 8 March 1855
On Tuesday, March 6, 1855, at his late residence, No. 1, Garrick's-buildings, Castlereagh street, Sydney, Arthur KELLY aged 42 years, native of Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland
Monday 30 June 1856
On the 28th instant, at her residence, South Head road, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. James SKELTON third daughter of the late Thomas GILMORE Esq., of Brackaville, county Tyrone,
Wednesday 1 October 1856
At her residence, Pitt street South, on the 30th September, Mrs. Isabella McELDOWNEY, aged 45 years, wife of Andrew McELDOWNEY, formerly of Omagh county Tyrone Ireland.
Monday 20 July 1857
On the 4th instant, killed by the fall of a tree, at Cundle, Manning River, Mr. George CAMPBELL aged 34 years, formerly of county Tyrone, Ireland, late of Chippendale.
Monday 2 November 1857
On the 17th June, at his residence, Drumglass House, County Tyrone, Ireland, Captain James Moore IRWIN in the 105th year of his age grandfather of Mr. John Edward IRWIN of Morpeth.
Tuesday 24 January 1860
At his residence, Pitt street, Sydney, on Monday 23rd January, Mr James DALE late of Augher County, Tyrone, Ireland, aged 65 years.
Monday 22 August 1864
POWELL On the 15th of June last, at his residence, Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, James Bruce POWELL,, Esq., aged 70 years late Captain of her Majesty's 12th Regiment of Foot, and father of Mrs. John MULHOLLAND Crown-street, Surry Hills? Sydney.
Tuesday 21 November 1865/span>
TURNER On the 19th November, at No. 23, Drultt street, Sydney Robert fourth son of Thomas and Margaret TURNER county Tyrone Ireland aged 22
Friday 17 August 1866
M'GILLEN On. August 5, at her residence, Riversdale Kiama, Margaret, beloved wife of James McGILLEN and daughter of the late Mr. Arthur CORY county Tyrone, Ireland and sister of Mrs. A. MULLIGAN of George street, Redfern.
Wednesday 17 October 1866
KING October <11 or 14?> at the residence of John Macdonald, Wimbledon Cottage Waverley, Mary KING aged 66 years, native of Fintona, County Tyrone.
Thursday 26 March 1868
On tho 18th instant at Copabella, in his 92 year, James ROBINSON, native of Fintona Tyrone, Ireland, A kind and exemplary husband and a father, a faithful friend, a sincere Christian.
Monday 25 January 1869
On the 19th instant, at 79, Palmer street, Woolloomooloo, Isabella, the beloved wife of Mr. Joseph ROBINSON senior aged 53, third daughter of the late Mr. David ROSS Newtown Stewart, county Tyrone, Ireland, leaving a disconsolate husband and a large family to mourn their loss.
Tuesday 25 May 1869/span>
On the 14th instant, at Grenfell, New South Wales, of typhoid fever Thomas, third son of the late Mr. John MONAGHAN, of Tummery county Tyrone, Ireland, aged 35 years. May he rest In peace. Amen.
Wednesday 5 July 1871
On the 29th June, at his parents' residence, 392, Pitt street, John Harcourt PEARCE, of the county Tyrone, Ireland, in the 32nd year of his age, leaving a wife and two children, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.
Monday 9 September 1872
On the 15th August, at Sydney, New South Wales, after a long and palnful illness. Grace the beloved wife or George BEATTY compositor, youngest daughter of the late Mr. James BARBER oof Gortmarron, Calladen, county Tyrone, Ireland, leaving a husband and three children to mourn their loss, aged 43 years