Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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John Winslow, Justice of the Peace b.1806

Commemorative Biographical Record of Hartford County, Connecticut
Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co., 1901 - pp. 317-318
Transcribed & Submitted by Fred Kligge

* Note: The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright on this book. 


JOHN WINSLOW, justice of the peace, assistant prosecuting attorney, and eminent as a lawyer of Bristol, was born in Dublin, Ireland, Oct. 31, 1844, and is a son of John and Eliza (Devlin) Winslow, natives of County Tyrone.


John Winslow, the father, was born Sept. 19, 1806, learned the business of carpet cutter and fitter, and July 31 1833, married Miss Devlin, who bore him ten children, the eldest of whom, Sarah, was born July 8, 1834; then followed, in order, Robert, Eliza, William and Thomas (twins that died in infancy), William Thomas, John (subject), Olivia, Eliza and Jane – the youngest born Sept. 20, 1852.  In June, 1856, the family came to America, landing in New York, went thence to Canada West, and located in what is now known as Thorold, Welland county, where the father kept a hotel until 1860, at which time he came with his family to New Hartford, Litchfield Co., Conn., and went to work in the Greenwood Co.’s cotton factory.  During the last years of his life he resided first with a daughter in New Haven, then with his son John in Bristol, and died at the home of his youngest daughter in Middlebury, Feb. 6, 1891, aged eighty-four.


John Winslow, the subject of this sketch, attended the National (or public) schools of his native city of Dublin until the departure of the family for America, when he was twelve years of age.  At Thorold his studies were continued until he was fourteen years old, and he then worked for a year in a printing office.  On the removal of his family to New Hartford, Conn., our subject worked about two years in the Greenwood cotton factory with his father, then went to Tariffville and worked for the Hartford Carpet Co. until its factory was destroyed by fire, in June, 1867, and during this interval mastered the machinist’s trade.  After this conflagration Mr. Winslow was obliged to seek new quarters, and went to New Haven, there working as a machinist until 1874, when he came to Bristol, worked for S. Emerson Root, at the same trade for three years, for Everett Horton four years, and two years for the Bristol Brass & Clock Co.  His first venture in business on his own account was the opening of a repair shop on Root’s Island, in a partnership with Roswell Attsins, under the firm name of Winslow & Attsins, and this was continued until 1887, when Mr. Winslow sold out.


Mr. Winslow now began the study of law under Senator Noble E. Pierce, and in February, 1889, was admitted to the Bar at Hartford.  He at once formed a partnership with his former preceptor, and the firm of Pierce & Winslow were very prosperous until August, 1893, when the partnership was dissolved, and Mr. Winslow went into business for himself, in Bristol, where he has since had a phenomenally good practice.  In politics Mr. Winslow is a staunch Republican.  He was elected a justice of the peace in 1889, and has ever since filled that office; he was clerk of the borough of Bristol for two years, and is also a member of the Republican town committee; on March 21, 1895, he was appointed assistant prosecuting attorney, by Judge Roger S. Newell, when the office was created, and retained the position till he had a stroke of apoplexy, June 24 1900.  Fraternally Mr. Winslow is a member of Franklin Lodge, No. 56 F. & A. M., of which he is a past worshipful minister.


Mr. Winslow has been twice married. On May 3, 1868 he was united in marriage with Miss Clara Pomeroy of, of New Haven, who was born in 1839, and died Oct. 24, 1875, the mother of two children: Emma Eliza, born Feb. 1, 1869, now teaching school in Hartford; and John Pomeroy, born Oct. 7, 1871, now employed by the Eagle Lock Co., of Terryville, Litchfield county. The second marriage of Mr. Winslow took place April 8, 1877, when Miss Esther Matthews, of Bristol, a daughter of David Mathews, and born 1836, became his wife. That Mr. Winslow is a gentleman who through his innate talents has risen unaided to his present eminent position is too palpable a proposition to admit of discussion.


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